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I wasn't as emotional as I thought I was going to be when my family left Barcelona. I knew that I'd be seeing them soon so I was a little bit more stable.

Speaking of which, I opened up my laptop and booked a flight to America. I was hoping it would be a one way flight, so I wouldn't have to stop anywhere else.

I paid for both mine and Lauren's ticket. The great thing about living with your bestfriend is that you don't have to worry about paying them back because you do work for the house and for each other, which is just as good or maybe even better than paying them back with money.

It was a pain considering we only moved to another country in about a month. It was a lot of work, having to transfer the money on your card to euros.

Also, not being able to drive until your licence was updated in another country was a down side as well.

Lauren walked through the door, seconds later with a bag in each hand. I'm assuming they were some groceries because she insisted on making dinner tonight.

I then got a text from Neymar on my phone.

Neymar: I haven't seen you in ages! I hope you haven't been avoiding me...

Me: No, I haven't. Just been busy, don't worry!

I then left my phone and went into the kitchen to help Lauren cook some food. She was planning on making proper Italian pizza. I had heard that this was obviously, much better than the normal pizza from takeaways.

We were listening to music while preparing the food. I informed Lauren that I had booked the flights and that we were going to be leaving on the twenty-second and returning on the twenty ninth. I wanted to be here for New Years' for some reason.

I also quickly texted my mum, telling her the details of our flights so she'd know when to pick us up.

While Lauren was serving the food, I opened up Neymar's text that I had left for at least an hour.

Neymar: Hahaha, so I'm going to Brazil tomorrow, I wanted to see you guys before I leave x

I smiled at Neymar's text.

Me: Oh really? We're going to America soon x

Then I sent another separate text.

Me: You can always come over whenever you want :)

I hadn't seen Neymar for a while to be honest and it would be nice if we did spend a bit of time together. Just to see each other before we both leave.

I decided to wash up all the dishes today, since Lauren cooked.

After I left the kitchen spotless, Lauren and I decided that we should start packing because we wouldn't be able to do it in the space of about a day and a half. I also told Nike, that I'd be taking a few days off before Christmas to go and see my family, which they were obviously okay with.

In my suitcase, I made sure to pack a variety of warm and summery type of clothes, just in case the weather decided to change.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to wear my summer outfits to that it would actually feel like Christmas.

I then managed to get all my makeup and skin essentials in one makeup bag, which was a surprise. I really wanted to just let my skin breathe for a while and not wear makeup consistently so that it would be a lot healthier.

Looking at the time, the clock read 4:20. I checked my phone for any texts that I missed. I had one from my mum, one from Neymar and then a few Instagram and Twitter notifications.

She's Mine | Camila Cabello and Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now