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We spent the fourth day here shopping.

The boys went off and looked through Nike stores, bought some new aftershave, new tops and many other things that I lost count of.

However, I bought a shit tonne of makeup from Sephora.

I bought some eyeshadow palettes, a new foundation, some brushes and a few lip products.

Today was probably my favourite day, to say the least.

I spent most of my time with the girls and we just bonded a lot more.

We had around two hours to get ready for dinner so I took this time to ring Lauren. I missed the sound of my best friend's voice.

I attempted to ring her and after the first few rings, she answered.

"Hey Mila!" She exclaimed just as excited as I was to speak to her.

"Hey Laur. How are you?" I smiled and sat with my back resting on the frame of the bed.

Neymar was in the shower so he wouldn't come out for at least another half an hour.

"So good! Alex officially asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday!" She beamed.

"Oh my God! I'm so happy for you!" I exclaimed.

"It was so cute. He took me on this really romantic date and then we went for a walk down by the beach and he just looked at me and basically asked me to be his girlfriend." She explained.

"That's adorable. I'm so glad you're happy." I chuckled.

"Well how are things going between you and Neymar?" She asked.

"I don't know. I don't know what we are to be honest." I mumbled.

"Don't stress about it chica. Enjoy your holiday and think about all this relationship shit with him when you get back." She suggested.

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. Just going to let fate do its thing." I responded.

"Well, on the other hand, you know you posted that video of you and your new song on Instagram?" Lauren said.


"Well it's literally gone viral. I don't know how you haven't noticed but all of our old friends have been saying how they're obsessed with it and even people in Spain are singing it in public places."

"That's so cool! I can't believe it's gotten shared so much." I exclaimed.

"You're going to be an Instagram sensation soon." Lauren teased and I chuckled.

We continued to talk about everything we had missed out on each other's lives in these past few days.

By this time, Neymar had gotten out the shower. He had a towel around his waist and his hair looked so messy yet so put together.

I just admit, he looked hot.

I bit my lip but looked down so I wouldn't be distracted as to what Lauren was saying.

"Who is it?" Neymar mouthed.

"Lauren." I mouthed back and he gave me a thumbs up.

Neymar went back to the bathroom, I'm assuming to go and get changed but he actually came back with just some Calvin Klein boxers on instead.

I wasn't complaining.

He then came and sat beside me on the bed, whilst I was chattering away to Lauren.

"I bought some new makeup from Sephora and I actually can't wait to show you because my collection is going to be huge." I said to Lauren.

Neymar put his arm around my waist and rested his head on my stomach, whilst I played with his wet hair.

She's Mine | Camila Cabello and Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now