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My thoughts were constantly running back to what Neymar was saying yesterday about Bruna.

I guess because he was drunk, he could've just been saying that.

I know for a fact that if he was sober, he wouldn't say that.

I was currently cleaning my makeup storage because I had so much crappy, old makeup that I didn't need yet still had it lying around.

I had a range of different products that were old but gold and others that were a waste of my money.

Eventually after getting rid of the stuff I didn't want, my storage was finally decent enough and I organised all the products back where they belonged.

I picked up my phone and lay down on my bed, looking through my Twitter feed and retweeting and liking a bunch of tweets.

I came across Neymar's Twitter and I started stalking his feed.

He had liked some posts by some fans, who had made edits of Neymar and Bruna together.

I chuckled to myself at the thought of his words last night.

Out of coincidence, Neymar's name popped up at the top of my phone screen.

I clicked on the message and read it.

Neymar: Hey, can we talk?

I sighed and replied back.

Me: Yeah, you can come over.

I put my phone down and went downstairs, to unlock the door so Neymar could walk straight in.

I also informed him via text that it was open and he replied with a simple, 'okay'.

I was sat on the couch when Neymar walked in. He saw me instantly and sat down on the couch that was adjacent to mine.

"Hey." He said.

I smiled back, "Hi."

"I'm just gonna get straight to the point, I know what I said last night and I shouldn't of said that, so please don't tell anyone." He begged.

"Neymar, are you serious right now?" I raised my eyebrows.

"What?" He looked around clueless.

"Bruna loves you so much and you've been in relationships with her, then broken up and then gotten back together. You're completely messing with her head." I argued.

"Camila, I told you, I can't love her. She knows I don't and she's still asked me to be with her."

"Well if you don't love her then why do you care about what she thinks? Or wants? Why have you still given her a chance. Neymar, you're fucking her around." I started to get annoyed.

I never understood boy logic.

"Don't say that. I don't fuck people around, that's not my shit. I care about her still. I want her to be happy." He raised his voice.

"Then let her go. I think she'd be better off without a guy who doesn't even love her. Honestly, I can't believe you Neymar, I thought you were better than this. I've told you about my past with Liam. I don't know why you think it's okay to still try to 'make things work with Bruna' if you don't love her. I don't understand your logic." I scoffed.

"Yeah, you never will understand. I'm not a fuckboy, so get that out of your head. I have a son. I am mature, despite what you think. I have feelings, I'm not a heartless person. My intention was never to hurt Bruna, but to only give her what she wanted." He replied.

I rolled my eyes at him.

He didn't even say anything and just walked straight out.

What I was hoping he'd do.


Shakira, Antonella, Lauren and I all decided to go out for a girls night, tonight.

We kept it very simple and just went for a meal.

Leo, Gerard, Neymar and Rafinha were all going out together too. So the kids were staying at their Grandparent's house, while we were all having a good time.

The restaurant we were at was very formal and made me feel a lot underdressed than everyone.

I had ordered some pollo pasta, which I was very excited to eat.

"So how have you been guys?" Antonella smiled hopefully at us.

"Good, you?" Lauren replied.

"Yes! Let me tell you some gossip!" Antonella said eagerly.

Lauren and I sat forward, ready to listen to the gossip.

"Bruna and Neymar. Have broken up. Again." She whispered.

"Really?!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Yes! I heard Lionel on the phone to Neymar. They were talking about Bruna being upset because Neymar dumped her."

My mouth dropped to the ground and I sat there, completely shocked.

I really did not expect Neymar to break up with her after what we spoke about the other day.

"So the guys are all out today to get Neymar's mind off of it." Antonella finished.

I laughed to myself. Like Neymar was actually hurt by it all.

"But Neymar broke up with her." Shakira replied, frowning.

"Yeah but he could be feeling bad." Lauren sipped on her drink.

"Oh well, doesn't concern us." I said.

By this time, our food had arrived and I looked at the creamy pasta on my plate and licked my lips. I went straight into it and started eating. The other girls either went for pasta or salad.

"Oh God. Look who's here." Shakira said putting her fork down.

The three of us who were unaware of what she was talking about but we turned around to see Gerard, Leo, Neymar and Rafinha walking in the restaurant.

Gerard noticed Shakira shying away so he came towards her and gave her a hug.

"Hey baby, how you doing?" He teased.

"Gerard, what're you doing here?" Shakira asked, clearly irritated.

"We just decided that we were gonna have a nice meal out." He smiled at his wife.

"Right okay, we'll see you later then." She tried shooing him away.

The other three boys walked behind Gerard and gave us small smiles.

Once I made eye contact with Neymar, I instantly tried looking away but he just chuckled to himself in amusement.

Okay then.

The four of us continued to eat and talk and soon enough, Shakira called the waiter over to give us our bill.

Despite us all suggesting that we should split the bill, Shakira wasn't having it and just paid for us all.

We thanked her and then we all stood up, ready to leave.

I searched around the restaurant for Neymar and there he was, sat with the boys in a corner.

He looked up from his plate of food and noticed me. I avoided eye contact and followed Lauren, Shakira and Antonella, out the restaurant.


This was a really boring chapter, I do apologise.

Also, sorry for the slow updates!! I'll try to be back as normal.

What did you guys think of it anyway?

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I love reading and replying to your guys' comments and your opinions mean a lot and I take them into consideration!

Lots of love xoxoxox

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