one : you're pwetty, weffda

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i walked down the streets with a newspaper in my hand, crossing out the places that doesn't pay that much and isn't up to my standards. i sighed loudly. almost all of the jobs on the newspaper were cancelled out. i've been on some interviews today and i'm already tired.

maybe i should try one last one.

i looked around. a poster on the lamppost caught my attention. i walked to the lamppost and tore the paper away from it. looking for a babysitter for my son. interested? contact me and i can arrange for a meeting. that was all written on the paper. i mentally gave myself a pat on my back. being a babysitter shouldn't be that bad for me since i love kids.

i strolled to the nearest coffee shop and bought myself a cup of caramel frappe. i sat on one of the seats and stared at the paper in my hands. should i try calling now? maybe i should.

i fished my phone out from my hand bag and dialled the number before holding the phone to my ear. after three rings, someone answered the phone.

"grayson dolan speaking. how may i help you?" the person from the other line, grayson, asked politely in a very soothing voice.

"hi, i'm reffda finn. i saw a poster on one of the lamppost in the city about wanting a babysitter. are you looking for one?" i introduced myself and answered him back politely.

"yes, indeed. i will text the address of my house to you and you will come and meet me there. is that alright?"

"sure, mr dolan."

"alright then. i have to go. i'll text you the address now."

with that, he hung up the phone. i saved his number in my contacts just in case. i sighed happily and leaned against the chair, taking a sip of my drink. my phone dinged, showing a message by mr dolan. i clicked on his name and checked the message. his address was in the text.

the name grayson dolan sounds very familiar to my ears. have i actually met this guy? have i talked to him before? i shrugged my shoulders and pushed the thoughts to the back of my head.

i finished my drink before heading back to my apartment. i have a roommate named vincent. i didn't know why my roommate must be a boy. it's just stupid. he was one of the fuckboys in my school and i hate him a lot even though he is good looking.

in high school, i thought he was different from the other guys that i knew. we dated for a while and we kept it a secret for a long time. after six months of being together, i found out he was cheating on me so we broke it up. ever since i found out about him cheating, i didn't see him anymore until i moved in to this apartment i live in.

i still thought he would change but he didn't. he brings home different girls each night and i swear he will get std soon. i get annoyed easily because 1. i am sleeping and he is banging some loud girls and 2. he keeps on asking me to sleep with him.

i slept with him once and i regretted it. he was so rough. i was so freaking sore the next day that i couldn't even go to school. i laid in bed the whole day and i thought if being with vincent was a good idea. i was scared if he bangs me one more time, my inner will get spoilt like the girl in the movie ted 2 and i will not have any kids. alright, too much info being said there.

i want a baby. i mean who doesn't?

the idea of taking care of a kid will be a great practice for me. a practice before getting my own kid. i hope the meeting with the dolans is going to go well. i just need to pray for the best.

i took my apartment keys out of my bag and unlocked the door. i opened the door to see high heels on the floor and clothing were everywhere. this fucker.

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