twenty-six : yes, i am his fianceè

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omg! double update !! enjoy!! xx

it's still hard for me to believe that i have another older brother. i would be very delighted if i have my eldest brother with me right now. i'm happy enough to have thomas in my life. but i'm sure if oliver was here, i would be very happy to have both my brothers with me.

to be very honest, i wouldn't mind if i get to see oliver's face as a present on my birthday. all i want is to see him. knowing that he's my brother, i just want to hug him and tell him that i miss him even though i've never seen him before in my entirely life.

my love for oliver was already developing and i'm sure if he's here with me, right now at this very moment, he would be happy to see me having a baby in a few months and also getting married. when i thought about babies and getting married, i started wondering if oliver was married and already have kids.

does he know that he was taken away when he was younger? does he know who his real mom and dad was?

i sighed, taking a sip of my coffee. meanwhile, grayson was busying himself trying to find out who has been sending those flowers to me. it has been two days since we got back home and new flowers came everyday.

i tried to convince him that maybe it's really from a fan. but he told me that he doesn't believe all that bullshit.

"mommy." benson's voice echoed through the living room as he walked into the kitchen. "i'm hungry!"

"oh, right. i've made some lasagna for you. why don't you wait for me in the living room and i'll go get your food and drink?" i questioned. "do you want apple or orange juice?"

"okay! i want apple juice! thank you, mommy!" he exclaimed before running out of the kitchen and into the living room.

i went to the drawer with the plates in it and grabbed the plate with mickey mouse on it. it was benson's. he got it from lisa on his birthday. he would only eat house food if there's mickey mouse on his plate. i find it cute though.

grayson have hired a couple of maids in the house, one who works in the kitchen named carie, one who cleans the living room and the game room named bella, one who cleans the bedrooms and the hallway named lana and another who cleans the backyard is susan. yeah, he hired all that because he said he always wants the house to be fresh so that i wouldn't be sick. oh, and he also hired a chef named alex.

i told him that i rarely go out and all but he insisted and i couldn't win a fight against him for this matter. if he says something, something must be there. no matter how much i say to him that i don't need help, he will tell me that i do need help.

they're going to start working on monday. when we came back two days ago, he didn't waste time to call the maids' agency to hire a few. he also called his friend, alex, who's job is a chef. they came by yesterday and all of them were nice. i got a long with them and we had some chats. they did their work properly and i'm very thankful that they listen to instructions given to them.

alex actually didn't want the job but when grayson told him about how much he's willing to pay him, alex actually agreed. grayson will pay him around $6,000 a month which was $4,000 more than how much he earned at the restaurant he worked at. and the maids, they were paid $3,000 for one person.

grayson doesn't care about how much he has to pay just as long as i'm not doing anything and that i'm protected and taken care of properly.

i walked to the living room with benson's food and drink. he was sitting on the couch, watching zootopia. ever since thomas showed him the movie, he was attached to the movie and he started watching it everyday.

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