thirty-one : don't panic

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an update !!! enjoyyyy xx

grayson's pov

it was hard for me to tell her about my wedding with chantel. when i told her about it, i knew that she wouldn't take it well. it really did happen. being with reffda and our family already make me happy. i don't need another person to come in and destroy that happiness.

i didn't want all this to happen. but i have to this in prder to protect my wife and my kids. if i didn't do this, chantel would do something bad to those that i love and i don't want that to happen. reffda has been avoiding me for almost five weeks. she could be due to have our baby at any time now. but currently, i'm standing in a room, in front of the mirror, adjusting my tie and tux.

there were news about me and chantel on the media. chantel was proud of how much she had benefited from it. she had became popular not for the title of the "millionaire's fiancée" but the title of "miss steal-the-husband." i was included too. i was called "the man with a mistress". it didn't affect me that much though because it's not true.

i would never have a mistress. because why would i when i already have my wife by my side? she's the only person that i need. i don't need irrelevant women in my life. they're not worth it. reffda would be the one that i choose if she was to be compared with the rest of the world. no hesitation because she's the best for me.

there was a knock on the door before it opened. my best friend, derek, walked into the room. aside from reffda and derek, no one knows about this wedding with chantel. i had made sure that chantel doesn't go and tell my family about this shit of a wedding. mine and reffda's family saw the news but they didn't believe it. and that's good. i want no one to know about this.

"bro, you okay? you're looking a little pale." derek asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"yeah, i'm fine. just thinking about my wife and my son."

"bro, i know this is hard for you but you have to be strong. all of this happens because it has a meaning behind it. trust me, everything will be good in the end." he explained. "hey, you didn't invite me to the wedding of your first wife. why the fuck didn't you? or you were just too scared that i would be able to steal her heart?"

he wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk. i punched him and chuckled a little. this is the first time i actually smiled in weeks. it feels great. but when my mind drifted off to reffda again, the happiness disappears. reffda has got me wrapped around her pretty fingers well to have me thinking about her 24/7.

"grayson, whatever it is, you're going to have to go out soon. do you need anything else?" he questioned.

i took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"take care of this. bring it with you everywhere you go." i said.

he saluted at me before turning on his heels and walking out of the door. i straightened my suit and headed out to the alter. we didn't really invite anyone to the wedding except for chantel's family and close friends. i didn't want it to attract paparazzi. if it did, they wouldn't have stopped taking pictures.

i looked at my hands. it was sweaty and clammy. i looked chantel's mom. her eyes were full of sympathy. she knows that i didn't want to marry chantel. her daughter is too stubborn. she would go crazy if she didn't get what she wants. i'm going to be a husband with two wives.

that does mean that i will have to leave reffda and my children alone while i attend to my other wife whom i have no feelings for. i didn't want to leave reffda and our kids alone or make the other wife angry. should i put them in the same house?

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