nine : wike thomas and fwiends!

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i had spent so much time in the hospital. it has been four days i stayed here, next to benson, not leaving him. the only place i will go if i leave him for a while is the bathroom. it still disturbs me sometimes. he still has dreams about freya. but it has been slowly reducing since the first day.

for the first two days in hospital, he had the dream at most 3 or 4 times a day. as the days passed, it slowly went to 2 or 3 times a day. i really hope that he will stop having dreams about freya. i really hate the fact that even though she's not here but in a prison cell, she still haunts benson in his sleep.

she must be a real devil.

i was currently dressing up benson since the doctor allows him to go home today. his bruises weren't as bad now. he has been staying in the hospital for a week since grayson insisted and practically begged the doctor to let him stay here longer. he felt the need to have a doctor treating his son at that time.

the dolan's family came here to visit. i've met ethan, cameron, their mom and dad. they were kind and friendly. when ethan saw me, he already know i am reffda finn. i was happy that i am starting to make new friends.

benson was eager to be going back home. i mean, who likes to stay in the hospital?

grayson was out, finishing up the documents that he was supposed to sign at the payment counter and he decided to go to the pharmacy to get his medicine. benson and i were the only ones in the room.

once i finished dressing him up, he pulled me down on the bed for me to sit and he sat down on my laps and wrapped his small arms around my neck, his head leaned on my shoulders. i'm used to all this positions so now, i'm comfortable with it. i even slept with him on the hospital bed.

at first, grayson offered himself to sleep with benson on the bed. but benson started crying and started saying that he wanted to sleep with me. i can't say no to him. grayson just gave me a nod and told me that he was okay sleeping on the couch.

"weffda, where daddy?" benson mumbled against my shoulder.

"he went to pay for the hospital bills and get your medicines. he will be back soon, alright?"

as if on cue, the hospital room's door opened and grayson came into view. i gave him a smile before looking down at benson. i shook his body a little and he looked up at me. i mouthed to him 'daddy' and pointed at the direction grayson was standing at.

he turned around and instantly smiled when he saw grayson. he reached out for grayson and he gladly took benson in his arms. grayson played with him for a while as i packed up his things, making sure everything is packed up and nothing's left behind.

"alright. everything packed? ready to leave, benson?" grayson asked with a smile on his face.

"yes, daddy!" he exclaimed, making grayson chuckle.

i smiled at the two before picking up my bag and benson's bag. grayson always went home after he woke up to shower and sort some work at home. so, he doesn't need to bring any clothes here. i was lifting the bags up when grayson stood right in front of me.

"it's okay, reffda. let me carry the bags. you can go and carry benson." he said softly, nodding his head towards benson who was looking at the two of us with a smile on his face.

"no, no. you can go and carry benson. i'm fine carrying this bags. i know i'm just a babysitter. but i can carry these things on my own." i replied with a small grin.

"exactly. that's why you are benson's babysitter, not his maid. you are meant to take care of him, not carry things around. you promised him you wouldn't leave him right?" he asked and i nodded my head. "so, go and carry him."

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