Chapter 12

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We reached his home or should I say our home? I have surely gone mad!!! He again opened my door and we both walked together.

"Assalamualaikum" Zarine said coming in front. We both stopped walking and I sensed that he has gone stiff. But why? And why was Zarine here? We have just entered the lawn.

"Walekumasalam" I replied.

"Oh my!! Masha Allah. Hani you look so beautiful in this dress and I'm sure that I'm not the first person to say this" she said and laughed making me senseless.

"Zarine, can we talk inside?" He said stepping forward.

"Nope. Bhai, you forgot?" She asked and he again froze. What is she talking about?
"Oh!! So he forgot. Don't worry Hani, I'll tell you" she said giving me a mischievous grin.

"Zarine" he said a bit louder.

"Mama..." she shouted and he sighed. Then I noticed that almost everyone was standing at the main gate of the mansion.

"Hani, it's a tradition which was obviously invented by me. And that tradition, is, bhai had to pick you up in his arms and had to take you in" she said excitedly.

Now, it was my turn to froze.

I was looking down, don't know what to do? Or how to behave? Or what to say? And then my memory hit me. She had said about this!!!

" know-"

"No...I don't know anything. You have to carry her inside, that's it." She said stubbornly.


"Not you too, Hani." She said.

"Fine..." I agreed, and regretted also. I was sure that he was looking at me and must be thinking that I have gone mad but he never saw the tears that was formed in Zarine's eyes when he was declining. And I can't see her crying because she was also very much close to her.

"Yeeaaahhhh...." she shouted and hugged me. She was happy and that's what I wanted. After all, I took this big step for everyone's happiness only. She ran back and was now standing with everyone at the main gate. I looked up and he was already staring at me. Unknowingly and why, I started stepping back. But he kept on staring!!!

I stopped moving when there was enough space between us, while he started taking steps towards me. In three long strides he was right before me, standing. His face was drawn into a hard line. My heart rate rises, I'm not so "cool, calm and collected" right now and that effects my ability to stand properly.

His strong hands, held my waist as he stared deep into my eyes. I couldn't help but blush.
He then slowly swung me up in his strong arms as if I was nothing more than a glass, and my eyes closed automatically. His body was warm and toned as he pulled me more close to his chest. My one hand was around his neck and the other on his shoulder. His heart was beating fast just like mine.

His voice was deep, with a serious tone. His lips brushed my ear as he spoke,

"Thank you so much" and I clutched him tightly as I buried my face in his chest. I could feel him walking and he was walking with ease as if I weighed nothing. I didn't dare to open my eyes once also.

After few minutes he put me down and I exhaled loudly. I looked up and yes, he was looking at me. How can he understand everything, when he hardly knows me?

" both completed this perfectly. And You both looked so cute!!" Zarine said loudly and we both averted our gaze from each other.

"Assalamualaikum" I said slowly looking down. I don't why I'm feeling so shy, when I know almost everyone here???

"Walekumasalam" came reply.

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