Chapter 14

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This awesome cover is made by Kumud03. Thank you so much dear.

I was sleeping peacefully and dreaming when there was a bang on the door. I tried to ignore, but again bang bang. I again tried to sleep but this time with a bang came a voice

"Hanya...Hanya.." now this was my cue to wake up and I did wake up. I was now wide awake and was confused to see my room. How can I get in my room, when I was waiting for him down in the hall?? Just then my eyes grew wide, don't tell me, I slept while waiting for him!!

But then how come I'm here in my room and again my eyes grew wide, don't tell me, did he picked me up and brought me here??? No no no...this can't happen!! I might have sleepwalk. Yes, I assured myself.

Bang bang

"Hanya" it was his voice. What happen? Why is he banging and shouting like this?? Is he.....O.M.G!!! I quickly got down from the bed and ran towards my door and opened, he was about to knock on the door. He was now staring at me and I was doing the same. He was wearing a white tee with grey sweatpants.

My gaze met his and he gulped down, making me blush a little. Wait...why am I blushing?? And why is he staring at me like that?? I quickly came back to my senses and look down at myself, and my eyes bulged out!!! Holy moly...I was only in my silk nightgown, which was happily showing my skin and curves!! Immediately I closed the door at his face.

I then leaned down on the door, my hand was resting on my chest which was thumping loudly because my heart was jumping from one place to another. How can I be so foolish??? I took a deep breath, and wore my robe and wrapped a stole. I quickly did a messy bun and one more time looked myself in the mirror, satisfied with myself, I went to open the door.

When I opened the door, he was leaning on the wall beside my door. Small smirk was very much visible on his face, making me glare at him!! He cleared his throat and spoke.

"I couldn't find his feeder, and Samya hasn't come uptil now" he said.

"Yeah, I know. She has taken a day off today." I said

"Ohh...he's crying" he said

"You seriously didn't find the feeder??" I asked

"Nooo" he said

"It's there in the room..." I said and started walking towards his room, not waiting for him.

I opened the door of his room and only one thing came into my mind that is, earthquake has surely hit his room, it was that messy. How? Let me tell you....

I pushed the door open a crack, but it refused to go any further. I instantly saw the cause: a mountain of dirty laundry stuffed up against it. Deftly using my foot to free the door I witnessed the full horror of his room. The unmade bed was piled high with rattles, soft toys, files, pens, seriously?? His laptop had dropped to the peak of the laundry pile. A half-eaten sandwich lay on the chipped blue plate atop the desk, accompanied by one empty coke can. The small metal wastebasket, overflowing with crumpled pillows and tie, begged to be emptied. The closet door was ajar, and I could see his clothes peeking out. I sighed proudly, "That's the price I must pay for sleeping peacefully" The clean-up would take hours.

And amidst all of this, I heard a shrilling crying sound of a baby who was lying on the middle of the very clean bed. Note the sarcasam!! I quickly ran to him and picked him up in my arms and started rocking him. Immediately he calmed down and then I opened his side table, which contains everything that you might need instantly. I took out his feeder and showed to him, he was smiling sheepishly making me more angry.

"I'm taking him down and You, are going to clean all this" I said sternly and walked passed by him. Even I was smiling at his childish behavior....seriously?? He turned his room, upside down and then also he didn't opened his side table!!

After sometime, he came down. I was very much busy feeding this lil sweetheart, that he served himself.

"Excuse me" he called one of the maids

"Yes Sir"

"Today you don't have to clean my room" he said and my ears perked up.

"May I know the reason Sir? You don't like my cleaning?"

"No..that's not the reason, it's just, today I've already cleaned my room" he said emphasizing on I've already cleaned my room.

"From next time you don't have to turn your room upside down because he'll be sleeping with me" I said and kept my sweetheart in his pram.

"Why??? He's fine with me" he said in a concerned voice.

"I know he's very much fine with you, but it's just that he needs me more at night" I said and he nodded.

"Okay" he said and stood up to leave but suddenly stopped. I was confused.

"You don't have to wait for me at night." He said and walked away, leaving me blush!!!

After cleaning up and helping everyone, I finally got sometime to explore this house. He's sleeping now, so I can go and check the upper floor. I went to the top floor, which had only one room and it has a big lock on it. Why does it have a lock??

I called one of the maid and told her to open it. First, she was very much not ready to open it but when I ordered her she did. After she went away, I slowly opened the door and Oh My God!! I quickly covered my mouth with my hand so that I won't scream!! Please give me strength...I silently prayed and then went inside.

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