Chapter 34

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Staying at his house always felt like, like I'm staying at my own house. We had came here yesterday but mom made us stayed the night because today we are having a dinner party in our house. All his relatives were invited.

But to say that we are preparing for the dinner would be the ultimate lie. We are all sitting on the couch, just teasing each other. Adeel is very much enjoying himself with his grand pa. Me, Zarine and Mom are in a heated conversation regarding what are we gonna wear tonight. I wanted to wear simple, but Mom is saying that almost every family member will be here, so don't think of it like just a dinner with the family, think of it like a family party.

And like always he was busy with his paper work....deep sigh!!

"So you all want me to dress up as if it's my reception??" I asked

"Yes" they both replied


"Because you're newly wed!!" Mom said.

"Yeah, ten months...and newly wed!!" I said.

"Ten months or twenty four'll be dressing up properly, that's it!!" Both Mom and Zarine said and stood up.

"You guys are impossible" I said and huffed

"That's why you love us!!" Zarine said and smirked.

"Fine, I'll try to wear something nice." I surrendered. They both laughed.

"Helloo..what's happening?" He asked coming down.

"Well, what can you expect from three ladies, whose very much excited for the party!!" Dad mocked.

"Ooh...means dressing up and "I don't have any clothes to wear"!!!" He said and they both did a high five and laughed!!

"Zarine, don't you think that there's still a lot of work had to be done!!" Mom glared at them.

"Yes, Mom"

"Good." Mom gave an evil smile while me and Zarine chuckled.

"Nisha...." Dad was cut off!!

"You do the dusting and you" she pointed at him "are going to do all the chopping as well as make the salad!!" Mom ordered.

"That's not fair, Mom!!" He said standing up from the couch. Mom just raised her eyebrows.

"I want everything to be ready by five in the evening." Mom said looking at them. "C'mon girls, let's go and get some rest since we don't have anything to do!!" She said to us giving them a dirty look.

It was now six in the evening and I've finished ironing our clothes. After checking twice that every thing is ready, I went to freshen up. I quickly took a bath, blow dried, wore my pink fluffy bathrobe and got out of the washroom.

I gasped as soon as I got out. There was a delicious moment where his face washed blank with confusion, like his brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from his wide eyes. Every muscle of my body just froze before a grin crept onto his face.

"I didn't wanted to scare you" he said picking up his towel.

"It's okay" I said looking down, clutching my bathrobe tightly.

"Wear this tonight!!" He pointed towards the gift wrapped box which was lying peacefully on the bed. "I hope you'll like it" he said and left.

I stood there frozen, he bought a gift for me?? A freaking gift that to for me!!! Unbelievable...wait, when did he got? He didn't even went outside today...might be somebody else has gotten for him?? I sat down on the bed and took the box in my hand, which was nicely covered in a shining golden colored gift wrap.

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