Chapter 22

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I still had half an hour left for my flight to take off, and he has already talked twice with the pilot, about safety and what not. I was sitting in his car. Adeel was very much awake, looking here and there.

"Hanya" He said while opening the back gate for me to get out. He was wearing grey denim, a white V neck T-shirt with a navy blue blazer.

"Don't worry, I've checked everything." He said taking Adeel from my arms.

"I'm not worrying, it's you all who are worrying" and just then my cell ran again for the seventh time in the last fifteen minutes. "Eighth time it is" I huffed.

"Yes Mama, I'm about to board, No, yeah everything's safe. Yes, Mama, relax...right beside me." I said answering all her questions and handing the cell to him.

"Assalamualaikum" he said. "Everything's under control,, yeah...I've checked everything by myself. I've also set the navigation in my cell, so that I can personally keep an eye....blah blah...!!" I guess perks of being Abdullah...or should I say Zain Abdullah.

He is very much perfect in his own way...but he'll still be my jij!!!

"Adeel, let's get you all seated up!!" He said cooing to Adeel, kissing his forehead. I smiled.



"I'm sorry for that day"

"It's okay...partially it was my fault too. I should have known my limits" I said taking Adeel in my arms.

"We both should try to be in limit" he said and I nodded.

"Take care of Adeel" he said kissing him.

"More than anything." I replied as he took steps back so that I climbed the stairs of the magnificent jet.

"Listen" I called him.


"Take care of yourself, don't stress yourself much, eat all your meals...and-" he cut me off.

"Take care of yourself too Hanya, Adeel needs you." He said and why I thought that he wanted to say something else but kept quiet.

Even I wanted to say, that no matter what, I'll miss him, but I kept that to myself. Sometimes, you need to keep your mouth shut for your good only. I took a deep breath and climbed the stairs. At the last step, I turned to look at him and he was staring at me back, leaning on his car. He wanted to say something and I know, but still he didn't.

I closed my eyes and unknowingly a tear slipped down making me confuse and him shock. It was as if that we both were in love, and it was hurting to leave and go but the situation was totally vice versa.

Returning home I feel like a tortoise retracting into her shell. The troubles of the world evaporating. To anyone else this is a house like all the others exactly like it on this street, but to me it is sanctuary, it is cocoon, it is rest.

I walk down the track towards my home and my heart both sinks and rises all at once. I sink because I used to know every rise and dip in the trail, yet no longer. I haven't forgotten, it is the path that has changed under years of footfalls and weathering. I rise to imagine what awaits me at the end, a place of more love and warmth than I've had these countless days that have gone so fast.

My dad was very much adamant to come to receive me but I stopped him from coming. It was late, and I don't wanted him to harass himself just to receive me. Making him understand that I'll be able to come alone was a more difficult task than to answer all the questions of mama!!!

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