Chapter 18

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He was now taking me back. He was very much silent...or should I say tonight everything seems so silent. He was driving in complete silence, only the sound of his car engine was very much audible. Adeel was peacefully sleeping on my lap and I was sitting at the back like always, my eyes closed, enjoying the silence.

After sometime we reached. He got out and quickly came to open the door. I got out slowly with Adeel in my arms and started walking when he suddenly said.

"I think you might-"

"Visit my parents??" I said not letting him complete his sentence. I think he was also going to say the same thing!!

He looked at me for a good five minutes, I snapped my fingers to pull him out of his trance.


"You were saying I should visit my parents" I said.

" should, It's been a while also and as it is I'm going on a business trip, so you won't feel alone also." He said and started walking way faster than me.

Once inside the house, I put Adeel in his cradle then marched towards his room. I know, I know, I was again getting angry but I can't help it. He's going on a business trip and he didn't even told me. When was he planning on telling me???

Without knocking I barged in and immediately turned. Why?? Because he was only in his jeans which was dangerously hanging low, yes, he wasn't wearing any shirt!!

"You should be wearing a shirt, and for the universe sake we have a washroom where we can change" I said raising my hands in the air.

"Well, nobody enters my room without knocking, except-"

"Hareem..." I completed his sentence. I turned slowly and now he was wearing a shirt.

Staring had become our only form of communication. It was a contest of sorts and winning came at a price. His eyes were giving a glare that was freezing my bones, like being nude in the middle of a hailstorm, where every chunk of ice was a frosted dagger cutting into her skin.

"What made you bring here?" He asked in his coldest tone.

"You, your can you not tell me that you were going on a business trip??" I asked pointing at him.

"Last time I checked, we weren't bound to tell each other everything that is going on in our lives" he hissed through his clenched teeth.

"Oh, so you don't have any problem, in troubling us??" I shouted.

"How did I troubled you?? And who is Us??" He snapped.

"Without informing us, you were to go in a business trip that would have troubled us!!! And Us means Me and Adeel." I said.

"You would be tensed if I'll leave just like that???" he smirked. Jerk!!!

"No...and out of everything you thought that only??? What I meant was, there are still certain things of Adeel which I still don't know. Like his vaccinations, and many more" I was just blabbering.

"Samya has a card for everything regarding Adeel" he said smirking. Oh how I wish to wipe that smirk off!!!

"Okay fine...good night" I said

"Anything more you wanna know?" He asked.

"No" I said and turned to leave so that I don't embarrass myself more.

I went to my room and got freshen up. Changed myself into my comfy pajama and a pink and white top. I was towel drying my hair when suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Yes, whose there?" I asked.

"Hanya, it's me" he said. After covering myself with a stole, I opened the door.

"Here, take this" he said handing me a file.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It has each and every important details of Adeel, his doctor's number, address, hospital name and adress and many more things." He said.

"Okay..JazakAllah" I smiled.

"And I'm going to Malaysia. It wasn't decided, it was a sudden plan. I'll be gone for a month, till then you can stay there. When I'll return, I'll pick you both up." He said.

"Okay..and I'm sorry" I said

"For what??"

"For over reacting and for being super rude to you..." I said looking down.

"It's okay, anyone would have done the same thing." He said. And I didn't knew what to say next.

"So..ummm...I should leave then. Good night" he said

"Good night" and with that we ended the night.

We were eating breakfast while Adeel was making different kinds of noises which was very hard to understand.

"Hanya" he said


"When do you want to go?" He asked.

"Where?" I asked

"Canada" he said.

"Ohh...when are you leaving?" I asked.

"Next week.."

"So next week it is" I said.


"Umm...I need some things to buy"

"Take Zarine with you, I'm busy" he said and stood up.

"I'm not even asking you to come with me" I also stood up.

"So now you wanna argue on this?" He said clenching his fist.

"Argue?? You were rude" I defended.

"As if, you've never been rude!!" He said.

"The hell.....I've already apologized for my behavior"

"See right now also you're behaving like a kid and arguing with me" he said.

"Unbelievable man.... Unbelievable!!!" I was damn shocked!!

"It's useless talking to you" he said and stomped away.

What did I do?? Why did he behaved like that?? I know I'll always be a kid in front of him...but that doesn't mean that he'll be this rude!!

Bipolar jerk...

Assalamualaikum my beautiful readers. How are you all??

Are you all enjoying my story.

I know this chapter is short, I'm sick and I can't put myself further to write any more. Because that would have totally been a spoiler.

But don't you'll worry, next chapter is going to be Zain's POV and it also going to be a bit rough.

Till then keep voting and commenting guys.

Love you all...

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