Chapter 55

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He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm. Despite the heaviness in her stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his. She sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciative of the simple gesture. His touch made the room warm somehow, her future within its walls seeming a little less bleak.

In his embrace the world stopped still on its axis. There was no time, no wind, no rain. My mind was at peace.

How could it be that Zain hadn't seen Hanya's love for what it was before? Pure. Unselfish. Undemanding. Free. She felt her body press in, soft and warm. This was the love she'd waited for, prayed for. She inwardly thanked God and hugged all the tighter. A love like this was to be cherished for life. Finally, she was home.

"I Love You, Hani" he whispered.

"I Love You too, Zain" I whispered back.

He moves his head closer to me, freezing me from both fear and excitement. He leans in, so his foreheads rests against mine.
We both close our eyes, our breaths shaking.

"Thank you," his voice low and husky.

"For what?" I say in barely more than a whisper.

"For being you." His voice wavers, exhilarated from the tension between us.

He gently leans in and kisses my warm lips. In the room that is twilight and shadow he stood close enough for me to breathe in his scent. His arms wrap around my back and in one gentle pull our skin touches. I feel his hand in my hair, how he loves the softness, watching it tumble as he releases it. Then his hand moves down my cheekbones to my lips. That's when the kissing starts and we start to move like partners in a dance that is written in our DNA. Our bodies fit together as if we were made just for this, to fall into one another, to feel this natural rhythm.

We pull apart and take shaky, shallow breaths. Unable to contain ourselves anymore, he holds my head in his hands and pulls me into a fiery and passionate kiss. With a laugh, he lifts me right off my feet, carrying me toward the bed, letting me fall with a soft bounce on the mattress. We lock eyes for just a moment, just enough for us to feel safe with one another.

I lie on my back as he matches my body's form. His hands venturing over my curved body, exploring, feeling each crevasse. Pulling apart, we open our eyes, staring deep into each other's eyes. No words are spoken, but a story worthy of us is communicated. He leans in, and softly kisses up and down my neck.

I let out little whimpers of anticipation. As he kiss, I roll over and lay on top of his strong, muscular body. Running my lips up his neck and back again, I end up giving him a loving and intense kiss on his lips.

Soon enough, my head rocks back against the pillow as he does, the first moan escaping my lips.


I awake to the steady patter of rain upon my window, droplets yet scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun. The sound brings a calmness to mind, a soothing melody, a natural lullaby. With eyes at rest I feel my center, live happily within myself for these blessed moments. Gold and pale, the sunlight filled the entire room with a warm sensation that made me smile.

The bed was soft and warm. I could feel his arm draped over me, more comforting that any blanket I had ever laid under. I was perfumed by his musky scent, as was my nightgown and my bed sheets and when next I would sleep alone his smell would make me feel safe and warm and happy.

I ran my hand over his back, the soft hairs tickling the tips of my fingers. I could feel the bones through his skin, the vertebrae of his spine looking as though they tried to pierce through his flesh. His hair had grown so long now; a thick, brown, bushy mess. Long and lank and greasy, but it suited him.

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