Chapter 49

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"I love you", I blurted as I woke. I found my bed to be cold and lonely. I missed his muscular arm that I dreamt was wrapped around me as much as I missed the smell of him. My room was filled with flowers, but their scent had turned to nothing.

I shake my head violently. I pound it down again and again, but my thoughts will not dislodge themselves. God why am I dreaming about the things which are just impossible?!

After freshening and changing into my casual trouser and a jumper, I went down to fill my stomach. The moment I slide into my chair I'm served an enormous platter of food. Eggs, Toast. A tureen of fruit sits in the middle of the dining table. The basket of rolls they set before me would keep my family going for a week. There's an elegant glass of orange juice.

"Mama, do we have cereal?" I asked.

"Why? We have many things here." She replied.

"JazakAllah for that, but I'm not in a mood to eat any of this."

I went into the kitchen and decided to fix myself a bowl of cereal. I sat down at the dining room table, watching the colorful wheels of cereal float around in the bowl full of milk.

"Cherry, what happen? You look so weak. Why don't you visit the doctor?" Dad said.

"I'm fine, dad. It's just the weakness. And I'm taking my medicines, will go after a week or so." I said taking a spoonfull of cereal in my mouth.

"When is Zain coming back?" Mama asked.

"Don't know." I said looking down. "Where's Adeel?"

"He's in the backyard". She replied.

"Did he ate something?"

"Yes, he did."

"Dear, for how many days, this will go like this? You both should sit and talk. Everything can be solved by talking. He needs to know everything" Dad said.

"There won't be any solution to this problem."

"So you want us to just sit back, relax and see our child dying in front of us?" He said.

"Your child isn't dying. This won't take my life unless it's Allah's will." I replied.

"But initially your health will affect your life, dear, just look at yourself, you've lost so much weight during these months. This isn't good, sugar. Everything has a cure and the best cure of your problem is to talk." Mama said smiling.

"We are all here for you, always." Dad said stroking my back.

After breakfast I went up. I was tired of staying inside the house so I called Sanjh and told her to meet me at our favourite cafe, but she declined. She told me that she'll visit me tomorrow. It was around eleven, when I decided to call him.

"Hello" he picked up after five rings.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked

"Fine and you?" He asked back.


"Then, why are you sounding so low?" He asked.

"Nothing, was just bored. Had your breakfast?"


"Howz work going?"

"Great!!" He sarcastically said making me chuckle. "How's Adeel?"

"He's fine. But, just started annoying me alot these days." I said thinking about yesterday. I left him just for ten minutes in the room and in that meantime, he opened my dresser, took out all the makeup and voila, he was ready to party!!!

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