Chapter 44

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People can grow strong enough to whisper at the iron bars that hold them and see them bend out of their way, like the most crazy magic. That's what love can do: fix souls, fix brains, cure us all. I wish I could have mastered that way, but it's hard when you've been starving for so long.

"Hani, from when?" He asked in a very low voice.

His eyes, they pierce her, all the way to her very soul, whispering her sweet nothings of succulent passion,cutting her into shreds, sending her into a turmoil. Rushing into her, like the runaway wind through the window sill, sending her thoughts into a dizzying disarray, blasting open the dusty chests of forgotten dreams & locked down storms.

Igniting the heaped branches of broken dreams into a raging inferno, sending her thoughts into freefall. The whole world dimming, till nothing matters.Till she is almost ready to rip open her heart and lay it down for him. Just because this upheaval becomes too much to take.

The swell of emotions threatening to burst out of its bony cage And yet, at the same time, making her feel alive.

She felled for him...

All this was there in her mind, but not a single word spoken.

"Hani..." He voice slowing down.

Giving him a one side smile, she asked "Does it matter, Zain?"

The soft blue waves crashed against each other as she sat on the beach's sandy shore. Sand and seashells clung to her dress as she stretched her legs. Casting him a sideways look.

She was brushing a strand of hair with a finger. Making his heart beat a little faster as he looked at her, heat rising to her cheeks as she remembered how she had fallen in love with that look.

But it was time to tell him that how she felt, although, knowing his answer very well.

“You know...” he started, but faltered as she turned to look at him. His eyes were narrowed, and she knew for sure that he would either get mad or sigh.

He sighed.

"You want to tell me something?" she asked, dugging in a handful of sand and slowly let it slip through her fingers. "Speak up, then."

"I want you to know," he said, with a  change in his expression. "How I feel about you."

She stiffened a little bit. Sitting up straighter, she turned away from him. Feeling a cold stab of fear in her heart. She could tell he had guessed, she had understood want he wanted to say. She was worried thay they could never be the same as it is they were never. Turning towards him, she looked at him in the eyes, and smiled.

"Why can't you see it? I can't love you, ever. It hurts me to see you like this, Hani. I  had never thought that this day will come in our life!!" His voice trembling.

"I see you. I do. I see pain in those eyes. It has sat there for your life time. I see love too, the love you would have given, were it not for the scars. It's still there baby, and one day you will set it free. I know I'm not perfect, yet I love you, and I know what love means. Give me a chance and I'll prove it. There is so much of your life that is a hell for your soul, and you stay there from strength rather than weakness, I know. So let me join you in that pain, walk with you, feel the same torture I know you bare. And one day I'll find just the right way to bring you home, my love." She replied him back giving him a sweet smile, that she knew he craves for.

"You know what? This is what I hate about you the most! How can you smile? We're having a serious conversation and how can you be so calm, not a line also on your forehead!!" He expressed.

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