Chapter 25

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I stopped the car in front of Sanjh's house.

"Hani, don't get any fancy ideas in your head. You know how these reporters are...don't jump on conclusions." She said. I nodded.

"Allah Hafiz" I said.

"Allah Hafiz" I replied.

I started driving again. One thing, I don't understand is that whoever that girl is, why am I feeling so uneasy, after seeing those clips, she can be his friend, colleague, business partner....why the heck even I'm giving explanation to myself?

I hit gas pedal with some extra force, soon I was driving in a full speed. I reached home within fifteen minutes. I quickly went inside, not even parked the car.

"Salaam" I said and kept the keys on the rack which made a loud noise.

"Walekumasalam" Mama and dad both replied.

"Adeel?" I asked

"He's sleeping..." Mama replied, looking curiously at me, which I ignored.

"How was your evening, dear?" Dad asked.

"Rubbish" I replied walking towards the stairs.

"Sugar, is everything alright?" Mama asked.

"Ask your favorite son in law" I said hurriedly climbing up.

"Dinner's ready!!" Mama shouted

"Not hungry..." I replied back.

"No need to worry, cherry. This is the starting, and these fights will turn into love" I heard dad's voice.

"I can never love him, I hate him, I hate him...I'll hate him till my last breath. What does he think of himself? If he can do anything, then I can also do!! Ugh..why am I even talking about him? He's useless..." I shouted from above while they just gave me amused expressions.

"Jealousy is the first step-" and I cut her off right then and there.

"Don't...and why would I be jealous. He's nothing to me" I said and closed my room door with a loud bang...

"Ugghhhhh....why everyone thinks, that I'm jealous. When I'm totally not jealous!! Why would I be jealous and that too for that sadist, egoistic jerk!! Nope, I totally can't be. It's his life, he can live like he wants, he can meet any people he wants, he can make any girl friends he want, I don't care!! Yeah, I don't care!!!

Oh my!! Why am I being so dramatic and over reacting???" I kept on blabbering to myself as I freshened up, changed and did my night routine.

His new girl friend or "lady love" was trying hard to make Adeel smile, but even Adeel was bored. I kept on doing unnecessary things but my eyes kept on looking at the iPad screen. She wraps herself around him closer than food wrap and he is absolutely fine with it.

She gaze's through her overly made-up eyes simpering softly until he tells a joke. Then all of a sudden she giggle, making me drop my clothes, which I had just now folded. How old is she? three and a half?? But Who am I to say anything???

Maybe if I had legs up to my neck and colourless hair, he might have forgotten about his little tart, but let's face it, on a generous assessment I'm ordinary. But I'll never compete with a girl who takes her life direction from fashion magazines, starves herself and is more self absorbed than a tadpole's tail.

I was so angry that I didn't notice, I had crushed my clothes, which I've again folded. I groaned and he laughed. I glared. How dare he?

"What are you trying to do with that clothes?? You've folded it thrice from the last ten minutes" he said laughing. Oh!! He notices also, I rolled my eyes.

"Hanya, meet one of my oldest friend, Mariam. Mariam Tahir." He said bringing her more closer towards him. I clenched my fists.

"Hiii" she was unnecessarily loud. Even Adeel shrieked after hearing her.

"Aah!! Hello, finally I get the honor of meeting you. You look more pretty than in the tabloids." I faked laugh!!

"Thank you so much" she fluttered her eyelash to which Adeel yawned making me chuckle. Someone is in my team!!!

"Mariam, I liked your dress, the one which you were wearing on Wednesday" I said.

"Explain a little, I tend to forget about my dresses" she said sweetly.

"Yeah yeah, why not!! The one which you were wearing while walking on the streets with him" I said.

"Oh yeah, now I remember. It was a gift!! You saw that news?"

"No, I'm not a fan of news, but yeah, today's interview was just fab and you were looking so gorgeous!!!" I said and glanced at him. He was now sitting with one leg on top of the another, while his left hand was resting on his face, as if he was thinking, nope he was staring at me with a neutral expression.

"Thank you, by the way you are Hareem's younger sister Na?" She asked. I nodded.

"You look almost like her" she said

"She is nothing like her" he said suddenly and I just kept staring at him. He didn't have to be rude. I know we both are not at all same in any way, but still we get compliments that we both almost look like each other.

"Zain, didn't have to be so rude!!" She said but we just kept staring at each other and soon I averted my eyes.

"It's okay. I know, I'm not like her and I can never be like her. She was different, in a good way." I said smiling.

"Yeah, I know. I didn't got the chance to meet her. Forget it, it seems like Adeel is enjoying his Aunt's company" she said and I again looked up.

I don't know why, but my throat suddenly started burning, even my nose. Haven't thought about this. Of course, I'm his Aunt. Everyone says, that our relation has changed, but I guess this relation will not change!! And I don't even want to take Hareem's place.

He didn't said anything, just kept quiet. I want to shout at him, tell him that what he did does hurt. I've failed to trust him like he have failed to trust me, that's alright. But Isn't this the sign of struggle against jealousy, possession and control?

His behavior tells me two things, the first is he underestimate, what I can forgive. The second is that he underestimate my ability to detect his untruthfulness. Two hurts for the price of one, not bad for a minor indiscretion.

"You there??? What happened??" Mariam's voice brought me out of my trance.

"Yes, I'm here. Well, of course he is happy with his Aunt" I said smiling.

"Awww...that's so cute." She said.

"I hate to say this but if you don't mind can we talk some other time?? It's his sleeping time now and I had to make him ready for the bed!!" I said

"Yeah yeah sure. It was nice talking to you. Allah Hafiz" she said.

"Same here. Salaam." I said and quickly hang up.

Adeel was now just looking at me and suddenly smiled, which made me also smile but tears also started pouring out. I kissed his forehead.

"Only for you Adeel, only for you!!" I kept on repeating.

After sometime my cell buzzed, it was him.

"What??" I yelled.

"Hanya look..." I cut him off!!

"Wasn't it fun watching me insulted? Didn't it filled your cup with cold malice? Didn't you got a buzz of power when you intentionally hurted me?" I said

"Lis-" I cut him off again!!

"Don't. I don't give a damn what you have to say." I yelled.

"Look, you're angry now" he said.

"Am I angry? No. I'm bitter and that's worse. Angry is over fast, bitter lasts." I said and ended the call.

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