Chapter 39

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Driven from the airport in our own white Rolls Royce, I stepped into the Burj's spectacular lobby. It's bedecked with fountains that shoot high into the air and draw the eye upward through the hotel's core to the top.

And the next thing I knew was that we were standing right in front of Burj Al Arab.

"Wao...I thought we'll be staying at Burj Khalifa" I give him my best sarcastic smile.

He scowled. "Why do you have to spend this much??" I scowled back at him.

"This is where I stay whenever I come to Dubai" he shrugged. I huffed!

I was led past rows upon rows of lavish expensive designer shops, some selling the ostentatious gold-plated iPads, others jewel-encrusted, well, in short everything.

"Hani, the hotel manager will take you both to the room. I'll be up in a minute after clearing everything up" he said and I nodded.

The hotel manager introduced me to my room, which is definitely the wrong word to describe it. From an office space with a Macbook computer, to Hermes toiletries and perfume - and a huge walk-in closet - this was no ordinary hotel room by a long way.

The full introduction of the suite by my butler, took a good while. (I still managed to forget which button unlocked the front door later on.)

My helpful guide offered to unpack my suitcase for me which I politely declined. After all, it wasn't anything fancy in that old thing.

I was very much tired of smiling sweetly at everytime my butler said anything. Finally, after giving me a loonngg instructions on what and how to use? Which to use? He left.

I yawned while Adeel chuckled.

"Would you like to get down and explore the suite just like your Mama wants to?" I asked tapping his nose and he just wiggled out of my arms, ready to crawl.

"Welcome to the most luxurious hotel in the world, Mrs & Mr Zain Abdullah," I was modestly told from the TV screen that shot out from a mahogany desk when I pressed random buttons on a remote I found, making me scream and jump on the other side of the suite.

I kept on breathing hard for about good two minutes with my hand still on my chest. Adeel just gave me a good look, before chuckling away.

Wait! Was he making fun of me?!

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He started laughing this time and I couldn't stop myself from laughing with him, this time. After we were done with our laughter marathon, I took the same remote in my hand which I now came to understand that it controlled the blinds and a number of other things which I had no clue about, but had fun figuring out as various stuff moved and whizzed.

I squealed and clapped my hands in pure ecstacy.

Determined to take full advantage of the facilities in my treasure trove of a room, I wasted no time in tucking into the complimentary gold leaf chocolates. Each room even came with a computer (mine was an Apple Mac). This lavish suite comes with 'his and her' rooms and a rotating bed too.

"Did you like the suite??"

"Like?? It's beautiful....I'm amazed. But why spending this much Zain??" I asked turning around.

"Don't worry about the money, Allahamdulilah, I make money every hour" he said.

"Yes, I know, Mr.Millionaire, but we also have Adeel, why spending so lavishly??" I said.

"Hani, spending money on you and Adeel is not a waste. I work for my family and if I won't spend on them then what's the use of making money apart giving a sum of money every month to the NGO, orphanage and needy children. After giving them, then only I spend on you all." He said and I kept quiet.

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