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There is no reality, than present reality, so that, even if one were to live for endless ages, to live for the future would be to miss the point everlastingly.

We are living in a culture, entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infintesimal hairline between an all-powerfully causative past and an absorbingly important future. We have no present. Our consciousness is almost completely preoccupied with memory and expectation. We don not realize that there never was, is, nor will be any other experience than present experience.

It is not a curse it is a gift !

The moment you start realizing that from now you would know what would happen next you start losing interest. I do not believe in destiny but i also do not eliminate its possibility.

Remember life is a balance between letting things happen and making things happen.If you you believe in destiny too much you will start getting demotivated about life and ask questions like you are asking now.

Ignorance is a bliss !

No one can ever be sure whether destiny is pre-defined or not and one should never be.You would lose the very essence of life i.e the thrilling experience of being in vulnerable, excited, amused, surprised, sad. All these emotions are important because they are there each one makes us realize about the absence of the extreme opposite one and a healthy and thrilling life is one in which you experience all the emotions like all the rides in an amusement park.

No one can ever make a u-turn in life. Even when you think you're going backwards, you're actually going forward. We can only move forward in a straight line. The straight line however, might look immediately straight in front of you but for almost everyone alive it's actually a curve and for many of us, multiple curves.

Bend don't break around obstacles. You want to change your life change your mind. Look at the situation, look what it is bringing out of yourself, and see what there is to learn. Life can definitely be unpleasant. This may definitely be living in a time or situation that you don't have as much control over as you'd like at this time. Both are truly not fun to experience.

Even if you can't make a u-turn in your circumstances,wholly change your situation just now, what could you do to try to make getting through it better? Not a u-turn maybe, how about a slight shift in perception or dreaming? What makes you smile?

The beauty of human life is that even though everyone has a past... life can only be lived in the present, because the source of your dignity lies within and not in the consequences of your poor choices.

Who knew that the love that had nestled in Zain's soul had made him a better man now. He believed in somebody so deep first time in his life. He trusted and Hareem gave him the meaning. He thought its mutual. That there's a journey ahead and it leads to a destination. They were doing well but something, not sure what, made the whole event dirty.

Zain had even locked their messages and photos in an app and whenever he was alone he use to always checks them.

He is a strong man with strong will have even cleared army exams and physical but her photos and messages bring tears to his eyes.

He never calls anybody else with the love names he used to call her. She was the only one for him.

No, he was not cheating Hanya, she loved him more than anything, She was aware of his previous relationship. Hareem was his life and will be the first girl whom he gave his everything.

But things changed when Hanya walked into his life. When and how she became so important to him, he, himself, couldn't imagine uptil now. Now, all he wants to kiss the forehead of his wife, his Hani. He just want to see her happy and not to care of what he had to lose.

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