Chapter 48

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A heavy silence settled over them, thicker then the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. Unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around and tried to avoid catching other glances that passed by.

" Isn't it a beautiful day today?" he asked coughing.

"Your not wrong,it's magic out here." I replied back.

"Nice weather lately."

"Sure is! But they say it might rain next week."

"I heard that, too."he said.

We both can never talk properly to each other. Weather??? Seriously!!!

"What are you eating?" I asked out of no where. He chuckled before lifting up his plate. He was eating Pasta!! "How often do you eat Italian food?"

"Depends on my mood" he replied.

"Do you like spaghetti?" I really didn't know why I was being so stupid. I mean it's so much easier to talk front to front rather than talking over the phone.

"Yes" he sounded amused.

"Do you go over there a lot?" I asked.

"Depends!!" He said. "You don't have to feel awkward, Hani. If you aren't comfortable talking with me you just have say it loud."

I looked down nervously.

"It's...I just don't know what to talk about?" I sighed.

"Talk about anything, my love" my breath hitched at his word.

As I attempted to hide my face behind my chalky-white fingers, my cheeks became rose-pink and shone through the gaps. I turned my head to the side to avert my gaze, but the sudden rosiness of my cheeks gave me away.

"You don't have to hide your face away from me, Hani." He said slowly amd I turned biting my lips. My heart beat was racing.

"Zain" It came out as a whisper.

"Damn!! You're coming here tomorrow, Adeel will stay with Mom" I looked at him, yep, he was serious.

"Zain, b-but!!"

"Can't you see it Hani? You're absense is killing me. I haven't behaved liked this ever and ever means not even with Hareem." He said running his fingers through his hair.

Then why can't you see it Zain, how am I living without you?

I wanted to say this but stayed quiet.

"I don't give a damn!! You're coming to me tomorrow and that's final." He said sitting up.

"I can't" It was as if my tongue wasn't in my control. He looked shocked at my answer and then looked down.

"Yeah, I forgot, I can't force you. Afterall who am I? Husband? Who doesn't care for his wife." He said slowly.

"Zain, stop it. It's nothing like that. You do care for me and there are numerous of incidents which shows you do care." I said looking at him in the eyes.

"Then why don't you want to come here? Why can't you come to me? What is stopping you?" He asked desperatey.

"My health" I replied taking a deep breath.

"Why? What the doctor said?" He asked and I started fidgetting with the hem of the mattress. "Hanya?"

"She gave me medicines. It'll get better soon" I said smiling.

"I'm not buying it!!"

"Trust me Zain, it happens. Nothing major. Plus, I'm getting older day by day" I laughed a little.

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