18 | l'aire

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l ' a i r e

in the air

At first I thought that was our entire date. Rosen seems so casual and chill right now that I don't expect him to have anything else planned for tonight. Besides, it's already super dark outside and I doubt he'd want to go somewhere now. Although it was winter right now, it was still warm. I guess that's what happens when you live in Southern Florida. Back in Maine I never dreamed about the weather being so warm during the winter but now I'm finally living that dream.

Rosen pushes himself up from the couch and turns around to face me. "I wanna go for a midnight swim," he announces, as if it's the most casual thing in the world and as if everybody go for midnight swims.

"You do know that it's winter, right? Normal people don't really go swimming in winter." I chuckle, but Rosen just looks at me like I'm crazy. I'm sorry but he's the crazy one.

"Sweetheart," he laughs. "You do realize that you live in Southern Florida, right? The water temperature will be around 72 degrees and that's warm enough to go for a swim. You're not in Maine anymore, get used to the climate difference."

I roll my eyes at the boy in front of him. He is right and I'm wrong. Of course I'm not living in Maine anymore, there I wouldn't be able to walk around in a jumpsuit during the winter, I'd have to be all covered up in gigantic coats but here I can just casually walk around in summer clothing all year round without having to worry about getting cold.

"So, are you going to join me for a little dip in the ocean?" Rosen asks once more.

I really want to go with him. But it's at that point that I come to the realization that I don't have a bikini with me, as swimming wasn't in our original plan. "I don't have a bathing suit," I say sheepishly. "Otherwise I would come."

"Just swim in your underwear," Rosen suggests. "I'll give you something else to wear afterwards. I'm sure you're not comfortable in that jumpsuit either."

I finally give in to his offer. "Fine, I'll come swimming with you."

Following Rosen to his bedroom, he chucks a clean towel towards me, followed with a large sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. I neatly fold all of the things and follow Rosen to the door where he gives me a pair of flip flops that are way too big on me but what can you do. I'd rather not go to the beach in high heels.

When we're outside we place all the things in the back seat of his truck. Just like all the time, the back seat is almost covered in empty Reese's wrappers. Chuckling I sit in the passenger's seat of the car, waiting for Rosen and sit inside the car as well.

"Why are you chuckling?"

"The empty Reese's," I say, pointing to them in the back seat. "You always have those in your car, it's kind of cute actually."

Rosen shakes his head at me, "Only you have noticed them. No one else cares about the empty wrappers." He points out.

"I guess I'm just a little more observant." After replying, I feel my phone buzzing in my lap. Once I unlock the screen, I notice a text message from my mother, saying that she's staying late at the hospital tonight because she has back-to-back surgeries because of a car accident. I quickly text her back, knowing later she might not be able to reply to me. I also tell her that I'm probably staying over at Rosen's house tonight and that I'll see her tomorrow when she comes home so that way she won't have to worry about me.

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