27 | sissonne

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s i s s o n n e

A jump from two feet onto one foot in various directions 

The only day I'm dreading during the year finally arrived. My birthday is a today and I would honestly do anything and everything to avoid it. I don't know why but I just never really like celebrating my birthday. My expectations are always way too high, leaving me super disappointed when everything doesn't go as I planned.

I'm pretty sure Rosen knows that my birthday is today. Serenity must've told him when she was here. Serenity left Walden about a week ago and so did Sven. Things are a lot more quiet now that they aren't around anymore.

I don't know why but Saskia and Imogen have been pretty distant as well. Either they're just busy with their own lives or Saskia is secretly jealous that I'm with Rosen. I'm leaning towards the latter which is weird since Saskia confirmed that she's totally okay with me dating Rosen. She even told me how Rosen is always so happy and cheerful around me and that's all she wants.

Speaking of Rosen, he has spent a lot of time with Faith. We both have. Faith's looking a lot better. It really seems like the medication is finally working. A part of me knows that she will never defeat cancer as cancer will always come back, but a part of me prays that everything will be fine. I don't want Rosen to lose to only family he has left. I can't even imagine what would happen if he lost his mom.

The doctors have told Rosen that if everything continues to go uphill, there's a chance Faith might be released from the hospital as well. That chance is pretty slim, though. If anything happened to Faith while she was out with us, I'm pretty sure Rosen would never forgive himself.

Knowing Rosen the only thing he wants is for Faith to get better. Since she has about a month and a half left according to the doctors, Rosen and me are hoping our Juilliard letters would arrive before she dies. Faith needs to know if we got into Juilliard or not.

Rosen and me decided to meet up for some coffee. We agreed that we'll go out tonight and then later we'll go and visit Faith if we have time. Although I saw Rosen like two days ago I'm already missing him like crazy. It's insane how he makes me feel. I've never felt like this about someone before and it's kind of frightening to think about the fact that I'm slowly falling in love with him. I don't even know how he feels about me and I'd rather not do anything stupid before I know that he has the same kind of feelings for me.

I know that he's attracted to me, he wouldn't spend so much time with me and kiss me all the time. But I don't know if he's falling in love with me as quickly as I'm falling in love with him. It is literally one of my biggest fears to get rejected. I'd rather not have my heart broken at such a young age. I'm sure that would scar me for life and I don't know what would happen after that.

Before heading out to coffee I made sure that I looked somewhat presentable. If Rosen is taking me out tonight as well, I might as well look decent just in case. Although I have no idea what we'll do before going out, it's still better to look nice.

I get dressed in a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a floral top and a pair of black ballet flats. I don't bother to put on makeup as I think I look pretty decent without makeup as well. After spritzing on a tiny bit of perfume I head downstairs to go meet Rosen.

Getting into my car I drive towards the cafe where we're supposed to meet. My hands are gripping the steering wheel tightly as I drive. I still haven't get over my fear of driving, but I've decided to make it a goal of mine to get over my fear before school ends. I'm just going to have to ask Rosen for help and I'm sure he'll be happy to help me.

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