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A rise or spring onto the toes (demi- or full pointe) from plié. 

The whole issue with Rosen has completely spiralled out of control. Rosen is barely talking to us now. And by us I mean Sven and I. He has completely isolated himself after what happened in the park with Jareth. I don't even know if he's feeling ashamed or what exactly is going on, but I know that he isn't taking well what he did. The whole assault thing probably went against his morals and now he isn't feeling the best.

So that's why I haven't heard from Rosen in a bit again. Bringing Sven here didn't help either so my plan completely backfired. Sven had to fly back to New York for his finals so now I'm just alone in Walden. Technically I'm not alone since Saskia and Imogen are here as well and I can contact them any time, but things are kind of weird between us three at the moment.

Nothing specific happened if that's what you're thinking. I've just been so busy with Rosen and my new puppy, who I decided to call Peanut by the way, that I haven't even had time to talk to Saskia and Imogen, let alone do something with them. But that's going to change. Now that I have a bit more free time I'm on my hands I'm going to make sure that our friendship is still in tact and that they still want to hang out with me.

I'm sure if I told them everything they'd understand, but it's not my place to tell them. Saskia doesn't even know what happened to Rosen's father and brother so I'm sure she'd be even more shocked to find out that Rosen's entire family passed away in a span of a year. As long as she's concerned, they're all alive and I'm not going to talk about it since it's technically none of my business. If Rosen wants to say something then he'll do that on his own.

As I'm cleaning out my room and throwing away things that I don't really need anymore, Isabella appears by my door, peeking in to make sure that nothing naughty is going on. She basically stands there until I acknowledge her.

"What is it?" I ask, not bothering to look up from the things that I'm sorting. I can basically feel her breathing on my neck and I know she won't leave me alone until I pay attention to her.

"Do you have a second?" she asks.

I look up at her and raise an eyebrow. "Does it look like I have time? I'm sorting through my things, you know how I'm moving away at the end of summer so it's better to start organizing things right now, rather than leaving everything until the last second."

"It'll only take a second." Isabella grabs my arm, stopping me from sorting my stuff. "Please, I can help you later if you really want to. I just need to talk about something like right now."

I groan, push myself up from the ground, and force Isabella to sit next to me on my bed. This whole talking while sitting on my bed thing has become far too familiar. Back in Maine Bella barely talked to me and now she's always coming to me for advice. It's good to see that she finally realized that she doesn't know everything and maybe her older sister, aka me, knows more about things.

"It's about Graham," Isabella starts.

"So, he broke your heart? What else is new?"

Isabella laughs. "No, silly. As you know I like him a lot, heck I might even love him, and he seems to return the feelings. I've done a lot of research on how to know when a guy likes you and he fits all the topics that they talked about. This is it, Haze. A guy is finally interested in me."

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