Chapter 12

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"Fuck." I hear Liv curse under her breath beneath me. Gemma is still standing in front of us, her hands on her hips, demanding answers to the million questions that are probably running through her head without saying a single word. She looks pissed. That tool Michal is standing behind her, a blank expression on his dopey face, taking it all in. I know this is bad that we've been caught but I can't help but laugh at the entire scene. We keep finding ourselves in this situation. You'd think we would have learned by now but apparently we haven't.

"You really need a definition Gem? What does it look like we're doing?" I ask, not bothering to conceal my laughter as I sit back against the couch, letting Liv up as well. She shoots me a look to cut it out but I just shrug. I'm not scared of my sister.

"Gemma I can explain." She starts, clearly flustered by being caught. Her cheeks are flushed with embarrassment and she looks like she has no idea where to start.

"No explanation necessary Liv. Harry is the one that needs to explain himself." She says, turning to me, using that bitchy superior tone she always used on me when we were kids.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, confused by her hostility.

"I knew you didn't give a shit about the random girls you hooked up with but this is Liv. She's your friend! How could you?" She shouts, looking at me like she walked in on me drowning puppies or something.

"How could I what?" I ask, looking for clarification again. I'm completely baffled by why she's so angry. Let alone, angry only me.

"I thought you were better than this! She JUST broke up with Liam. She's heartbroken and vulnerable. I cannot believe you would take advantage of her like this!" She shouts, still spouting craziness as I can't help but chuckle.

"It's not like that Gemma." Liv tries to explain but she's cut off immediately.

"No! Do not make excuses for him. He was raised better than this. We all turned a blind eye to his sleeping around, sticking his dick in everything that moves but enough is enough. He can't keep going around treating women like garbage! He's getting too old for this shit." She says, literally wagging her finger in my face as she stands over us like she's my mum or something.

"You really have no idea what you're talking about." I tell her, shaking my head at the ridiculous accusations she's throwing at me. I know my past is less than perfect. I can't deny that. But I never treated anyone like garbage. She knows that.

"I don't? Enlighten me then. Please explain to me why I just walked in on you about to fuck my roommate on my couch?" She demands.

"I'm the one that invited him over here Gemma. I'm the one that wanted this. He's not taking advantage of me." Liv tries to explain.

"That doesn't matter! He should have known better. He should have seen that you're still getting over Liam. You're not in your right state of mind. You're not ready." Gemma says, her voice dripping with pity and misguided concern.

"I am ready. I am over Liam. Completely. This has nothing to do with him." Liv assures her. Although she just calmed all my worries about Liam earlier tonight it's still nice to hear again. It's definitely something that's always in the back of my mind. That I'm just her rebound. But hearing the confidence in her voice as she tells Gemma she's over him is definitely reassuring. Unfortunately, Gemma isn't so easily convinced.

"It has everything to do with him! I see what's going on with you even though you won't talk about it. You're leaning on Lexie more than ever. It seems like you're always with her and Niall. I get it. She's your best friend. But I saw how heartbroken you were when you first moved in. You're hiding it better now but I don't think that's changed." Gemma says as she sinks down to sit on the coffee table in front of us, her anger put aside for a moment.

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