Chapter 14

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When I wake up the next morning, the blissful feeling I fell asleep with is still there. I still can't believe how well telling Harry's mom about us went. We both were nervous for no reason. She wasn't angry or judgmental. She seemed genuinely happy for us. Even Gemma lightened up when she saw how her mom was treating me. It makes me wonder if maybe telling my family wouldn't be as awful as I'm making it out to be.

I really haven't even entertained the idea of telling them to be honest. The fact that they're in another country makes it easier to keep Harry and I a secret. It's not that I'm completely cut off from them. They're still my family but it's easier to hide things when you're communicating over the phone, text, and email. I talk to my mom on the phone every Sunday but so far, the conversations have steered clear of my love life. I guess she thinks it's still a sore subject and obviously I'm not about to correct her. So technically I'm not lying but I'm not exactly offering up any information either. And it's not even because I'm scared anymore. I know that even if they react badly, it won't change anything. I'm in love with Harry and no amount of disapproval or judgment from my family is going to keep me from him. I just don't want to hear the lecture.

My mom would say I'm moving too fast. Meredith would likely side with her and I don't want to hear it. I don't want to explain that this isn't just a two-week old relationship. I love Harry but they aren't going to believe it from my mouth. This isn't something I can tell them over the phone. They're going to have to see it to understand it and god knows when that'll happen. I'm sure Harry will bring up telling them soon. He'll want to be fair since his family knows. But I'm not in any hurry. I'm not scared of telling them anymore but right now it's easier not to. I guess that's the difference between the two of us. I've always been pretty close to my family but it's nothing compared to his. It's a completely different dynamic. From what I witnessed last night they share everything. I love my family and I would do anything for them just like I know they're always there for me but I'm more of a private person. They don't need to know everything that goes on in my life. I'll tell them about Harry and I eventually but for now, I'd rather keep it to myself. I hope he can understand that, and know that I'm only saving the both of us a lecture. It's not the right time to tell my family. Everyone who knows, has seen the two of us together, and I know that is exactly how it has to happen. If Harry and I want a shot at surviving, we have to do it on our terms. I introduced Liam to my family the first second I could, and they accepted him but were always weary. It's almost like they knew he wasn't the one. I don't want that to happen with Harry.

I lay in bed for a while longer, busy with my thoughts but eventually the smell of something delicious wafting up from the kitchen becomes impossible to ignore. When I turn my head I see Harry is still fast asleep beside me, looking too peaceful to possibly think about waking him. I'm starving though and I want to go see what Anne is making so I crawl out of bed, careful not to jostle and wake Harry but he doesn't stir at all. I quickly throw on the pajamas I never changed into last night and duck into his bathroom to make sure I don't look too haggard. Thank god I woke up before Anne got the idea to come up and wake us. Harry said she likes me but I doubt she'd feel the same way if she walked in on us naked in his bed. I know she's not stupid. She knows Harry isn't exactly her innocent baby boy but still, knowing and seeing are two very different things.

I creep downstairs quietly but when I peak into the kitchen to see Anne busy preparing a breakfast feast. The counters are covered with food as she hurries around preparing everything.

"Good morning dear. You're up early." She greets me warmly when she sees me hovering in the door way but doesn't stop what she's doing.

"I smelled food. I had to come investigate." I explain as I slowly walk into the kitchen.

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