Chapter Twenty-Nine

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So what does Magnus want with Rachel? 0-o Let's find out...



Rachel felt anxiety overtake her from the moment she got up the next morning. She would have to face Magnus. She would have to work for him. Of course she knew she was already under his employ. But though she'd occasionally seen him in passing, she hadn't had to speak with him since the day he had brought her to the estate. Now it seemed she could not avoid the frightening man who owned her life.

As Rachel dressed, she could not help but remember how he'd poked and prodded the boys by her side before callously ordering their deaths. How he'd bargained for her. How he'd talked about slaughtering her as well...

"Stop your daydreaming," Alice admonished when she took note of Rachel's slow pace. "Magnus asked that you meet him by the main steps promptly at 6:30 and you must eat something first."

"Yes Ma'am," Rachel answered, though she knew she had no appetite.

What could Magnus possibly want with her? From what she could tell he rarely interacted directly with any of his human stock with the exception of Alice. Why should he suddenly ask for her specifically? After a few halfhearted bites of porridge the old woman had made for them to share, Rachel helped clear the dishes and set off, trailing behind Alice.

He was already there when they arrived. Rachel could see him just at the bottom of the main house steps even from a distance. The lone sibla man in wait.

"Ah, Rachel," he said as they walked to meet him. "Thank you for coming."

Rachel didn't answer, hanging back with Alice. She'd had no choice after all and wished greatly she could run back to the kitchen to avoid whatever task he might have for her.

"I will see you later, Rachel," Alice said, leaning in close and giving her arm a slight squeeze of reassurance. "Think of this as an opportunity to become better acquainted with the man who cares for you every day."

"You will send her to the kitchens when you are done?" Alice asked, directing the question at their Master.

"Of course," Magnus answered with a broad smile.

Rachel tried not to panic as Alice loosed her grasp and headed towards the slave's entrance, leaving her alone with Magnus.

"Did Alice tell you why I asked for you?" the man asked, walking to her.

Rachel stared at him uncertainly. It seemed she had no choice but to answer him.

"Yes, Master," she said quietly. "She said you needed help with farm work." In fact, she now noticed that the clothing Magnus wore was far more casual than his usual attire. He did indeed look ready to work.

"Yes," he said, "exactly so."

Rachel wondered if he would elaborate, but it apparently he had no intention of doing so.

"Come with me," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder and guiding her forward. Rachel resisted the urge to shrink from his touch.

"Alice tells me you have been feeling better," he commented as they walked. "Indeed you appear far less pale. I am glad for it."

Again Rachel felt the urge to move away from him. She knew the reason he wanted her well.

Magnus removed his hand from her shoulder, clearly sensing her discomfort.

"I still frighten you," he said, a slight frown on his face. "It is not my intention to do so. I want you to feel safe here, Rachel. To trust that I have your best interest at heart."

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