Chapter Eleven: Dreams

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Later, Megan and I have finally gone to bed. Our doors are all open, just in case. It seems to take forever but I finally go to sleep...

For some reason I wake up and glancing at my clock I see it's 1:30. Turning over toward the door I notice Anna is there swaying playfully holding her rag doll.

"Anna, what is it?" I ask as I raise up.

She giggles, "Come and see..."

Getting out of bed I begin to follow her.

"Megan!  Wake up."

"I'm awake.  You don't have to yell... or think that loud..."

As I reach my door I see Megan at her's. "What's going on?" She asks rubbing her eyes.

I point down the hall and she turns to see Anna walking toward the stairs.

"Come on Sis. Let's see what she wants..." We both walk out into the hallway and follow...

We reach the bottom of the stairs and see Joseph standing beside the living room doorway and Anna is headed toward him. We're about ten steps behind her as she reaches it, turns, giggles again and both go inside...

Reaching the doorway we stop and look inside.. The two spirits are standing on each side of the fireplace... We continue inside until we're standing in front of it.

"Alright Anna, we're here. What is it?" I ask. They both point up over the center of the fireplace.

At first, I don't see anything. Then I remember Hailey's dream... Stepping forward I reach up feeling of the rocks but I still can't find anything. "Sis, use your ability.  See if you can sense something."

Megan closes her eyes and begins to concentrate. After a few seconds she opens her eyes and points at a certain area. "Max it's there, in the center. About two feet up."

Trying again where Megan pointed I move my hand across the rocks and feel a light shock. Jerking my hand back I notice Anna's giggle.

"Not you silly," she turns to look at Megan, "Sister..."

Stepping out of the way Megan nervously steps up and turns to me, "Max.. I..."

"Go ahead Sis.  It'll be alright. I'm right here."  She hesitates, then begins to concentrate and a part of the wall starts to glow blue. She reaches up and her hand goes through the bricks.

"I think I've got it. Whatever it is." She pulls out a large book, but it's heavy and slips out of her hand. It falls and stops a few inches above the floor. Megan lets out a sigh of relief, "Thanks..."

I'm standing there staring at it. "Sis... I didn't do it." We look at each other then turn to the twins. Anna giggles as they slowly vanish... and the book still hovers above the floor...

Megan backs up as I look down and it slowly levitates up into my hands.  We walk over and sit down on the couch. Looking toward both lamps I turn them on and place the book on the coffee table. We take a closer look and notice the emblem on it... It's the Blackwell family crest...

The book looks very old, made of leather and has a locked clasp on it. 

"We don't have a key," Megan says.

Suddenly it unlocks... and the book opens... 

For the next few hours we flip through the pages covering less than a forth of the old book.  It tells about the Blackwell history starting in England and continues through the Salem witch trials to around 1900.  There's also a lot of drawings and rhymes that just doesn't make any sense.  Looking at the clock I see how late it is.

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