Chapter Thirty-Seven: Exposed

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All of us chase after Megan through the busy crowd.  We arrive at the fence where the motocross is being held. There's an event currently going on and the riders are racing with all they have, hitting the jumps with just enough power to land on the next hill perfectly.  I watch for a minute and nothing seems out of place...

"Megan, what's going on?" I ask.

"Just get ready Max.  Trust me..."

We're standing beside the bleachers and there's several people around me but they're all watching the race.  As I build up my power my eyes begin to glow and so does my symbol through my shirt.  Logan notices and steps up behind me to help block it from view...

"Get ready," Megan shouts over the roar of the bikes.

I'm watching one of the bikes turn a sharp curve and accelerate toward the first jump.  He tries to let off but the bike continues to gain speed as the powerful engine continues to rev...

He hits the hill extremely fast and shoots high into the air, much higher than he should.  The bike is headed over the fence and into the small two story announcers box.  The crowd screams as the rider lets go of the bike...

With my thoughts I steer the bike away from the platform and at the same time catch the rider and slow his approach, setting him down in the announcer's box.  Turning my attention back to the bike I force it down past the fence and it crashes on the ground.  The rider jerks off his helmet and looks all around trying to comprehend what just happened.  All the other riders have stopped and the crowd is silent for a few seconds, then begins to cheer.

I quickly ease my power down and look around me.  There's only a couple of people that noticed my glowing eyes and shoulder.  They look a little stunned... 

The announcer grabs the riders hand and raises it up high...

"I have to say that was the best example of riding I've ever witnessed.  Let's give number 31 another round of applause," the announcer shouts.

The crowd cheers again as the rider just stands there still in disbelief...

I turn around and see the two teenagers staring at me, "Guys, I think it's time to go."

We quickly make our way out of the crowd and as we arrive at Logan's car we see someone leaning against it.  I hold my hands out beside me stopping everyone.  The figure uncrosses their arms and walks toward us...

"Max, that was great, "Jessica says and Megan runs into her arms.   The rest of us continues toward them. 

"Where's your brother?" I ask.

"He told me he was going home about an hour ago.  I know what you're thinking, but I don't think it was him.  Father has been on us to keep a low profile and do absolutely nothing," she steps toward me. "That's one of the reasons why I'm here...  I'm afraid we need to talk..."

Looking around I see several people walking to and from their cars.

"Alright, but not here," I open the door. "Climb in."

We all get in Logan's Charger and head out of town.  There's an old burned out store building on a side road and we pull around back.  We all get out to talk and find out what John has up his sleeve this time...

"All right Jessica, what's going on?" I ask.

She shakes her head and smiles, "You still don't trust me.  Do you Max?"

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