Chapter Thirty One: What are you anyway?

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Reacting first I beat everyone out of the kitchen. Rounding the corner I see Megan staring into the den and Hailey standing beside her. As I push my way in front of them I'm startled. The mirror is back... and Megan's evil twin is inside it looking at us...

"What do you want from us!" I shout angrily. She smiles evilly as those deep black eyes stare back at me.

"What I want," she looks past me toward Megan, "I will soon have and you can do nothing to stop me."

My eyes turn blue as my anger overwhelms me... I throw my hand out toward the mirror but this time the doppelgängers ready. She holds up her hands and my power is deflected back knocking me flat on my back. Everyone gasps except Megan. This time she's had enough. As everyone watches she steps in front of me and squares off in front of this thing.

"Oh Megan. What can you possibly do against me?" Her evil twin laughs...

Megan opens her eyes as they turn blue... "This!" A burst of energy leaves her body passing through the mirror hitting the doppelgänger. She screams out in pain as she disappears...

Hailey helps me up as Megan turns around. "Thanks Sis. You're becoming more powerful every time you use your gift."

"Thanks Max," she smiles. "I..." Her voice and smile fades as she stares over my shoulder.

Hailey and I turn around to see Mom and Jessica. Mom closes her eyes, shakes her head and walks out. Jessica... is just staring at us.

"Well... I guess one more secret's out of the box..."

Megan steps toward her and she quickly steps back.

"Hey, everything's alright..." Megan says.

"She shakes her head, "Your eyes..."

Megan sighs... "Oh no... This isn't the weekend I wanted."

Jessica continues to watch our eyes fade back to normal.

"Come on... Let's go sit down and I'll explain."

"Tell her only what you have to Sis. I still don't trust her."

Megan gives me the look as she puts her arm around her and they go into the living room.

"I don't think she's handling this very well," Hailey says.

"Yeah I noticed," I turn back to the mirror. "If you don't mind, ask your Mom to come over. I need some advice about what we can do about our new problem."

"Alright, but don't get too close. I'll be right back." She turns and runs out of the door.

Turning back to the mirror I stare into its reflection...  "I completely destroyed this thing and we threw out the pieces.  How's this even possible? And how did the doppelgänger turn my power against me?"

Megan and Jessica sit down on the couch. "Alright, I told you there were more spirits here," Jessica nods. "Well, we're not really sure what my evil twin actually is but we call her a doppelgänger. She always comes out of that mirror. Max destroyed it a few days ago and now suddenly... it's back." She takes her hand, "I'm sorry you had to see that, and everything else for that matter." Megan smiles, "It's a wonder you haven't already ran out screaming."

"I have to admit all this is a little overwhelming, but I'm not going to be frightened off this easily. Besides, if you and Max will help me learn to control my powers, then maybe I can help you fight this thing."

Megan grins a little, "I've never had a friend like you before.  For some reason, I kind of do feel like we're sisters."

While Megan gives her a hug she stares toward the den...

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