Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Video

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Rachel's Den...

"Alright Max.  If your sure this is what you want, I'll do it," Rachel says.

I look toward Hailey, "Yes.  I'm afraid this is the way it has to be,"Hailey squeezes my hand, "When it's time... I think we'll both know." Rachel nods in agreement.

We turn to walk out the door and as I open it, the door handle is jerked out of my hand and it slams shut.  Hesitantly, we turn around and see Rachel sitting on her desk with her arms crossed.  Now she's giving me the look...  I really need to keep count...

"Now that we have that settled, I have something we need to talk about."  Hailey and I both know what it is.  "

"We'll, here it comes."

Hailey tenses up as her Mother begins, "I know you two have a great destiny.  I honestly don't know what that is, but I know it to be true, and I'll always be here for all of you.  But... Hailey's still my daughter."  Rachel notices how nervous her Daughter is and the serious look on her face softens a bit. "Look I know you two are in love.  Just... try to cool down a little.  You have the rest of your lives for, " she pauses a few seconds, "everything else."

I look at Hailey and she buries her head in my shoulder again...  Turning back to Rachel I clear my throat, "Your right.  We'll do our best."

Rachel shakes her head and walks over to us.  "You know, I'm not that old.  I remember what it was like...  Now get out of here and remember what I said."  The door unlocks and opens behind us. 

"Thanks Rachel.  I'll see you tomorrow."  We turn quickly and leave the room...

Hurrying outside we head over to my house and sit down in the swing.  Hailey's face is still a little red so I try to reassure her, "See, I told you it would be okay."

"That was so... embarrassing," she says shaking her head.

I laugh, "She's your Mother.  That's what they do," I tilt her chin up gently. "Her job is to protect you from guys like me."

She smiles slyly, "Well, she's not doing a very good job. Is she?"  We share a kiss as the door opens and Megan comes out to join us.

"Hey guys.  I sincerely hope your done 'talking' for tonight."  She says and sits down in the chair.

Hailey blushes again, "Megan, I'm so sorry.  I..."

Megan interrupts, "Let's just forget about it," she shakes her head. "God knows I'm still trying to."

I laugh as Hailey bends down and hides her face...

Megan notices Hailey and smiles, "Changing the subject, I have something I need to tell you."

Hailey leans up, still blushing and I can't help but laugh as I try to speak, "Go ahead Sis."

"Well... I kind of accidentally invited someone over to spend the weekend with us."

"I hope your kidding..."Then it hits me, "It's Jessica.  Am I right?"

She raises her eyebrows and hesitates, "Yes...  Look, I know how you feel about her.  But you haven't spent time with her like I have.  She's nice."

"Sis, even you said when she touched you that you sensed something.  Can you explain that?"

She looks out in the yard for a moment, "No. I can't," she turns back to me. "All I know is she's spending the weekend with us and I need you to be nice.  Please Max, do it for me."

I don't like it.  But if she feels this strongly about her, then maybe I'm wrong...  "Alright Sis.  You win."  She jumps up and hugs me, "Thanks Max," she turns loose and sits back down. "Oh, and I need you two to help me explain anything weird that might happen while she's here."

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