Chapter Thirteen: The Crystal

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Running to catch up with the girls I see them near the barn. They're both upset, but glad to see me. Hailey rushes into my arms crying...

"Hey, I'm alright. Everything's okay." Megan walks over and hugs me as well. "Sis, are you alright?"

"No, not really. But thanks for saving me."

"You saved yourself. You broke the hold that thing had on you. I just pulled you out of the water."

"Speaking of which," she looks down at her wet clothes. "I need to get out of these things."

"And I'm definitely ready to go," Hailey says still shaking a little.

"No argument from me..." I say.

As we start walking toward home I tell the girls what this thing said to me.

"Does this mean the witch already has the crystal?" Hailey asks... Megan and I exchange a glance.

"I'm not sure but yeah, it sounds like it," I say.

As we get back to our house I see Mom's car in the driveway and I think about my dream again. I need to talk to Megan as soon as I can...

"Mom's home. Will you be alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. And Hailey, I'm sorry the way I acted earlier."

Hailey's still a little confused, "It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'll see you tomorrow."

Megan turns and goes inside as I walk Hailey home. It's almost dark as we go up and sit down on the swing.

As I put my arm around her she leans against me.

"I really thought I'd lost you," she says.

"Your not going to lose me, ever." We sit silently for a moment. "Don't you remember what the book said? As long as we stand as one we'll not be defeated," she turns to look at me, "and after today... we are one." She smiles remembering... We both look up toward the sky and see a shooting star.

"I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too," she whispers.

Stunned, I look at her, "What did you say?"

She looks at me a little puzzled, "I answered you. I said 'I love you too.' Didn't you hear me?"

I grin as I realize what's happened, "Yes I did. But I thought it. I didn't say it."

Hailey's jaw drops... "I can hear your thoughts."

"And I can hear yours." Both of us are excited... "See, we are one. As long as we're together, no one can stop us." We stare into each other's eyes and as we lean in close... Rachel opens the door and steps out...

"There you are. I was wondering where you two were." She walks over to us. "Hello Max."

I force a smile, "Hey Rachel." I'm really having to watch my thoughts now...

"What have you and my Daughter been up to today."

Hailey and I exchange a glance and smile.  "Oh you know... just the usual," she answers.

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