Chapter Thirty-Two: The Truth?

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Meanwhile at Cassie's House...

Cassie and Bethany are in her den reviewing the videos again. She now has more evidence than she could've hoped for to expose Max and add to the Blackwell legend. After watching the videos she leans back as Bethany sits down across from her.  Cassie thinks about her interview with him and looks over at the straight chair she almost fell on. 

"You know, I could be in a hospital or worse right now if Max hadn't caught me with his powers."

"Yeah that's true.  He did save your life."

"I'm so confused Beth...  I started out thinking I could expose Max and his family.  I want to be a journalist and I have the perfect story to jump start my career but now..." she shakes her head.

"You feel you owe him, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do... But at the same time, I can't just let the best story of my life slip through my fingers.  What do I do Beth?"

"I didn't want to say anything... but have you watched the news?"

"No, why?"

"There's been an attack on a government building in Huntsville."

"So... What's that got to do with anything?"

"Well apparently some of them had powers too."

"You're kidding... Right?"

"No. They're trying to keep it quiet, but videos are beginning to leak out."

"Was it Max?"

"No. The day it happened Max and Megan were in school."

"Then it could've been our mystery guy."

"Maybe, but the only video I've seen so far is of a teenage girl."

"So... There's others like them..."

"If it's true... yes."

Cassie shakes her head, "I can't think about that right now. I need to figure out what to do about my current problem."

"What about this other guy in my video.  Max is right.  Whoever he is doesn't care about hurting people and If I did post this second video on YouTube he might come after me."

She leans up and plays the video again and pauses it as the person in black stands up throwing out his hand. There's just enough light to partially see his face. He seems familiar for some reason but she can't figure it out.

Cassie looks at the chair again... and thinks of Max's warning... "I consider you a friend, mainly because of Hailey. But I really don't think you want to make an enemy out of me either, and remember he's out there.  He might not be as kind as me if you post another video showing who he is and what he can do."

Cassie stands up, "This is driving me crazy!" She shouts.

Bethany stands up and walks over to her. "You need to calm down and think about it. Yes Max might have saved you but I believe he did it to keep you from posting or printing the story about him," she leans against her desk.

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