Chapter Twelve: Together as One

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We sit still for a moment, trying to take it all in. Finally Megan breaks the uneasy silence...

"What does all this mean? We three are the Chosen Ones? I don't understand."

"I don't either Sis, but I'm sure it's talking about us. I had a dream last night. Hailey and I were together and Rachel walked outside. She said we were meant to be together. That our names were written among the stars."

Hailey looks at me and smiles.  It seems to calm her down, a little...

"Are you sure that I did that when we kissed?" Hailey asks.

Turning to Hailey I hold both of her hands.

"Think about last night when we were standing outside your house," I turn to my Sister. "And Megan, you use your ability too. Just try to sense anything in the room."

"Alright, are you two ready?"

"No, but we need to find out..." Hailey says.

"Yeah... we do," Megan agrees.

"Okay, let's do it."

The girls begin to concentrate as I'm staring into Hailey's beautiful eyes... 

"Max, what's happening..." Megan sounds a little frightened.

We all look around the room and see the TV picture is frozen. Looking out of the picture window I see a humming bird hovering above a flower.  It's wings are just barely moving.. slowing to a stop.

Megan points up and the ceiling fan has also stopped moving. We turn back to one another and everyone laughs.

"Okay, you two stop and let's see what happens." They do and everything slowly starts to return to normal.

"Well, now we definitely know I'm not doing this." Hailey and I hug each other and turn to look at Megan.

She smiles, "Like it or not Hailey, you're now as special as we are." Hailey smiles, jumps up and gives her a hug. As she sits back down we all think about what we've learned. 

Megan stares at the floor, "I'm finally going to meet my soul mate," she looks at us and smiles... "I hope he's cute."

Laughing, I shake my head. Turning back to Hailey I notice her smile is fading.

"Guys, who do you think is the witch?" She asks.

I try to hold a straight face. "Megan, what do I do? Do I tell her what we've noticed about her Mom?"

"I don't think she's ready for that. We need to be sure."

"Your right. Besides, we still have some time."

I look at Hailey, "I'm not sure. At this point, it could be anyone."

"Well, what do we do now?" Megan asks trying to change the subject.

"I believe we need to find the crystal.  It may be somewhere here in the house.  If we're going to defeat the witch, whoever that is, we need to find it before she does."

"Yeah, that's if she doesn't already have it," Hailey adds.

"Before we get started looking, let's put the book back in it's hiding place," Megan says.

She begins to use her ability and the rocks begin to glow.  With my thoughts I lift it up and ease it back inside the wall.

When we're finished Hailey walks up to it and feels of the rocks. 

"This is so unbelievable," she turns to us. "Is all this really happening?"

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