Chapter Thirty-Eight: October 31st... It Begins...

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Lying in bed staring at the ceiling...  I wonder how many nights I've done this since we moved to Loretto from Carie, Kentucky. In the few months we've been here so much has happened. We've been through more than any teenager should have to. Megan and I are somehow special and so is Hailey. We're the so called Chosen Ones, whatever that means and we have some type of destiny. What that is... I have no idea...

Glancing at the clock beside my bed I see it's 1:29 a.m. The room begins to chill and I can see my breath once again. Looking around I wait to see which spirit It will be this time... A friendly one like Anna or Joseph... or something else...

A blue glow begins to appear at the foot of my bed and as it manifests I'm glad to see who it is. Raising up in bed I welcome my guest.

"Hello Anna."

She giggles as she rakes her fingers through her old rag doll's hair.

"What's going on tonight?"

"I'm waiting on brother," she says playfully.

Even as many times as I've seen her I've never gotten used to the sound of her voice. It echo's with the sound of being forever young, killed so long ago.

Turning to sit on the side of my bed Joseph walks into my room with Megan rubbing her eyes close behind.

Joseph stops beside Anna as Megan sits down beside me.

"Why do they always come just after I've finally fallen asleep?"

"I don't know Sis, but you should've expected them tonight of all nights."

"Yeah, I guess your right."

The twin spirits walk over to stand in front of us and I notice the red rope marks around Anna's neck and see water dripping off of Joseph's face. Wiping a tear away I remember how Anna was murdered and how Joseph was tricked by Jedediah into walking into the black water of the pond and drowned.  I glance at my Sister and she's doing the same thing...

"Alright, we're here," I say.

"Hold out your hands," Anna says.

Megan looks at me a little uneasy, takes a breath and we place our hands together; hers slightly underneath mine...

The twins reach out and place their hands on top of ours. I can feel power flowing through me and see the twins eyes begin to glow deep blue. I'm a little taken back... I've never seen the twins with blue eyes. 

My hand turns ice cold and I look down to see a glow coming from between our hands.  I glance at Megan as I feel something start to form...

After a moment, the glow fades from all our eyes.  But the blue light between our hands remains...

The twins withdraw their hands and I look down to see a very beautiful blue crystal.  It looks otherworldly, and because of where it came from... I know it is.

I look up at Anna and she smiles...

"A gift... From the Elders..." she looks at Megan. "When it's time... you will know..."

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