Chapter Thirty-Six: Trouble at the Fair

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Its been a couple of weeks since the events of our birthday... Strangely, we haven't had many visits from the spiritual world and the ones we've had were from Anna and Joseph. I've kept an eye on the mirror in the den. Every couple of days I have to put more of Rachel's special rope around it. This doppelgänger that's inside wants out and seems determined... It's fascination with Megan is very disturbing and she seems to be getting more powerful. I wish I had answers as to what she really is... But the answers I seek are as elusive as our memories of the time we spent on the other side...

School has gone about like I thought it would especially after all the videos from Huntsville... with more stares and no friends.  That is, except for Logan. I'm lucky I have him as a friend and for the fact that he loves my Sister. I know if I'm not around he'll protect her and that means a lot.

Cassie and Bethany have kept their distance at school. We agreed that was the best way to go so Aiden wouldn't bother them.

As far as Aiden and Jessica... They've kept their distance as well. The battle we had has put a strain on Megan and Jessica's friendship. They've had to stay away from each other at school and secretly meet elsewhere to be able to see each other. I have to admit I was wrong about her... But at the same time I still feel something telling me to watch my back. I guess time will tell...

Rachel's been researching the marks we received from our trip to the other side. She's using our book and the internet to try to find some answers. I hope that soon we'll have some...

The Blackwell Farm... Friday evening...

Logan, Megan, Hailey and I have just got home from school and are relaxing. There's not a ball game tonight because the fair is in town, so Logan has the night off.

Logan looks my way, "Max, how was school this week? Or do I have to ask?"

"About like usual... Everyone is keeping their distance. I can't wait until this school year is over."

Hailey gives me a hug, "I'm sorry about what you're having to go through. I guess this Blackwell Legend runs deeper in this town than I thought."

Turning to her I smile, "As long as I have you by my side," I turn to Logan and Megan, "And the two of you, I'll be fine."

"So, what are we going to do tonight," asks Megan.

"Well, the fair's in town.  We could act like regular teenagers for once and have a little fun, "Hailey suggests.

"The last time we tried that it didn't turn out so well," I say thinking of the 4th of July.

"Max I think it could be fun.  We need time away from spirits and this so called destiny of ours," Megan pleads.

"Yeah, this is the first Friday night I've had off," Logan grins. "I promise I'll protect you."

Shaking my head I grin, "Alright, you guys talked me into it."

"Yes!," Hailey says and gives me a kiss.

Megan looks toward Hailey's house and notices Rachel's walking toward us...

"Guys..." We all turn to see her. I just hope this is good news for a change.

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