Chapter Twenty-Five: Good Meets Evil...

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Loretto High School... First Day of Class...

Megan and I are sitting across from two students who appear to be twins, a boy and girl waiting to be called to get our classes.

"This is a little weird..." 

"Max, be nice..."

"I thought I was.  I tried to talk to him."

She turns to Aiden, "Well, I guess this is your first day here too."

He stops staring at me, and turns to her, "Yeah.. it is." He immediately turns back to me.

Jessica looks a little nervous. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you two twins?"

Megan smiles, "Yeah," she glances at me, "have been all our lives."

She gasps and it sounds a little put on to me...

"We are too!" She seems excited. "This is amazing... What are the odds we would meet like this?"

"Yeah... what are the odds." Megan scoots over a little and elbow's me in the ribs...

After a few minutes of uneasy small talk Miss Franks finally opens the door, "Jessica, Aiden, this way please."  Aiden gets up and continues to stare at me as he walks out the door. 

Jessica reaches over and hugs Megan, "I hope to see you later.  I have a feeling we're going to become good friends."

Megan shutters for just a second as they hug and she notices. "Are you alright?"

Megan quickly shakes it off. "Yeah, I'm fine," she smiles. "I'll see you later."

Jessica looks concerned as as she continues out the door...

After it's shut, I turn to Megan, "I know something's up.  I could feel that without even touching you."

She looks puzzled. "I'm not sure what it was," she turns to me, " but I did feel something..."

I turn to look at the door, "Yeah... This school year is going to be more interesting than I thought..."

30 minutes later...

Megan and I finally have our schedules and Miss Franks is escorting us to our classes.

"Megan, here's your first class, Senior English. The teacher is very nice, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

"Thank you. See you later Max."  She opens the door, and eases inside.

Miss Franks turns to me. "You're first class is on the other end of the school," she smiles. "Follow me."

We begin walking.  "I really hate this..."

"It can't be that bad Max... Just keep thinking of me and school will be out before you know it." It's Hailey.

I grin, "As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about Crockett Park right now..."

I can sense Hailey blushing, "Max! Now I'm turning red in class and everyone is looking at me!"

I can't help but laugh, "You started it."

As we walk Miss Franks notices me laugh for no apparent reason, "What's so funny Max?"

"Oh, nothing." After that conversion with Hailey I can't come up with anything...

She looks at me very curiously.  "So, you two live at the old Blackwell farm.  Any relation to the Blackwell's that lived there?"

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