Chapter Fourteen: A Night Out, Gone Wrong

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It's a little after three and Megan and I are sitting in the swing.  I've already hidden the crystal where no one but us can find it.  Suddenly my phone rings... and it's Hailey.  


"Hey, Mom was asking me if the two of you needed a ride into town."

I turn to Megan, "Yeah, that sounds great."

"Good, then come on over.  I'll be waiting..."

"We're on our way."  I say and hang up.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes, she's acted normal all evening."

"Good.  We'll see you in a minute."

"Megan, Hailey wants us to ride in with them."

Megan looks concerned, "Do you think it's a good idea?"

"I don't know, but I do know she needs our support, especially right now."

"You're right.  I'll go check on Mom and if she's alright I'll go with you."

She goes inside and meets Mom at the stairs. They hug one another and she smiles...

I'm waiting outside for what seems like forever when Megan walks outside.

"Is she alright?"

"She seems fine now. She told us to go on and try to have fun."

"What do you really think?"

"I think she's okay."

"Then let's go."

Looking over at the door it closes and locks.  I turn to Megan and we head out.

We arrive as Rachel puts the last item in her SUV.  "Well, Hello.  Are you two ready to go?"

"Yes Ma'am.  We are," Megan answers.

Hailey comes outside and walks up to me.  We put our arms around each other and kiss. 

Rachel smiles, "Aren't they precious." 

Megan looks at us still remembering her dream, "Yeah, sure..."

"Mom, can I take my car too?  We may want to come back earlier than you do."

"Yeah, that's fine," Rachel says.

We all get in and head out to Loretto.  "Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yes.  I've been so nervous.  I'm glad she can't read my mind."

As I drive I pull her close.  "Just hang in there.  We've got your back.  And remember, we could still be wrong."  Hailey forces a smile and leans her head against my shoulder.

"Max.  Watch what you're saying.  Everything points to Rachel.  We don't need to get her hopes up."

"I know Sis.  I'm just trying to keep her calm, and really we don't know for sure if it's her.'"

"Well, I do..." I look up at her in the mirror for a second and then back to the road.  I know she's right.  I guess I'm just hoping against hope that we're wrong...

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