Chapter Forty-One: A Warning from Beyond the Grave

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It's been almost two weeks since our battle with The Others. As I look down at the granite rock the echo of the book's warning still fills my thoughts... 

"If the Chosen Ones the victor... A price will still be paid."

We won, but this was a hollow victory. The price, too high...

I put my arm around Megan as we stare at the name. She gave her life trying to save us. Something none of us will ever forget.

"I can't believe she's gone," Megan says as she wipes another tear away.

Everything that happened keeps running through my mind. We should've been able to stop them before it got that far.  No... I should have...

Hearing a car pull up I turn to see it's Rachel. She and Hailey get out and walk over to us.  Hailey stands on the other side of me and as I take her hand she leans against me.

"Guys, the stone looks beautiful," Rachel says.

I can't help but stare at her name... "It's not much of a monument for all she did. She gave up her whole life just to take care of us. And now..." I shake my head. "She deserved better."

"Listen... All three of you did everything you could. Your Mother made the ultimate sacrifice without a seconds hesitation. I know you'll miss her dearly and that's normal," she pauses for a moment. "Try to think of all the good times you spent with her and celebrate her life. What she did was her choice and she did it because she loved you. Always remember that..."

We all stand for a moment thinking about her words and remembering...

"Come on guys, let's go home. I have a good supper fixed for you," she looks specifically at me. "I know you haven't ate a good meal since it happened."

"Thanks," Megan gives her a hug. "I know she would appreciate how you're watching over us."

Rachel puts her arm around her as the girls head toward the cars, "That's what family does."

I remain standing for a moment as one last tear falls...

"Goodbye..." I whisper.

As I'm about to turn around I notice a black SUV parked in the back of the cemetery. I know I've seen it several times since the incident at school. The last thing we need right now is more mysteries.  So, I start walking toward it quickly.  It's time to find out who it is...

"Max, where're you going?" Hailey shouts.

They all turn around to see what's going on as the SUV cranks up and begins to pull away. I stop walking, glare at it and think about stopping it, but I don't...  The main highway runs in front of the cemetery and we don't need to attract any more attention right now. As the girls catch up to me it turns onto the four lane and speeds away...

"Who was that?" Hailey asks.

I watch the SUV until it's out of sight, "I don't know, but I've seen it before." I turn to them. "I've got a feeling this may not be over."

The Blackwell Farm... 20 minutes later...

We arrive back at our house and everyone gets out. Logan's waiting for us on our front porch as Megan runs into his arms.

I turn toward Hailey's house. "We'll be with you in a few minutes," I shout.

"Alright Max, but don't be long," Rachel replies.

Hailey and I check the mailbox before we go toward the house. Flipping through the mail I pull out a letter addressed specifically to Megan and I. We continue onto the porch where Megan and Logan are already in the swing.

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