Chapter Tewnty-One: The Good and Evil

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Later at our house...

It's about seven and Mom has fixed spaghetti again.  We've invited Rachel, and Daniel over.  I guess you could call this a family supper if it wasn't for the topic at hand...

We've finished eating and are just making small talk.  Daniel has told us everything Clara told him while they were married, but she didn't really tell him much about John or about what happened a hundred years ago.  We fill Daniel in on the Blackwell family history and everything else that's happened... and he looks a little pale...

"I'm sorry Daniel, but you had better get used to the unexpected with this bunch."  He nods, and smiles a little.

"I'm just glad Clara's gone.  After my wife died, Logan was my main priority.  When I met Clara, for some reason I fell deeply in love with her. A few months after we were married I caught her getting a roast out of the oven with her bare hands. She closed her eyes, whispered something, and I watched as the blisters faded away."

"I confronted her and that's when she admitted what she was and threatened to hurt Logan if I didn't do what she wanted. At that point, I knew I had made a big mistake," he looks down. "I didn't know what else to do except cooperate until she found whoever she was looking for."

"As I said before, you did what you had to.  She was very powerful," I glance at Logan and Rachel. "If we hadn't had help that night we wouldn't even be here."

Everyone is silent for the moment, reflecting...

"Well, until we figure out what John actually wants, and who The Others are, we all should stay on our toes."  I look over at Daniel, "I know you've been through a lot, but we need your help."

"After you saved my son, anything."

I glance at Logan, "Believe me the feeling is mutual, but thanks.  We need you to do the same thing for us as you were doing for Clara.  Just keep us informed if you hear or notice anything out of the ordinary.  We don't know who or how old The Others are." 

He nods, "Anything I can do I will."

"Thanks.  We all deeply appreciate it."

John Blackwell's house...

John walks in from getting groceries and the two girls get up and help him into the kitchen.  The other one, continues to sit in the living room. 

"Jessica, Laura, could you help with supper?" 

Jessica rolls her eyes...

Laura notices. "I'll do it Father."

John walks back into the living room and stands looking at Aiden.  He's lying back on the couch throwing a baseball up in the air.  Aiden notices him and as he throws the ball up it stops in mid air.  "What are you looking at?" He asks disrespectfully. 

John grins, "You and Jessica have had bad attitudes since you two turned sixteen."  He holds up his hand and the baseball flies into it. 

"Hey, that's mine." He stands up to get it and is slammed back down onto the couch.

"Remember, your abilities may be strong," he walks over to him, "But mine, will always be stronger."  He offers the ball back to him and Aiden grabs it.  John walks over and sits down beside him...

Aiden stands up. "When are we going to be able to get out of here.  This is the most boring town I've ever seen."

"We'll leave when I say.  But we must first do what we came here to do," John replies calmly.

"I still don't understand what you're afraid of.  Between all of us we could go over there and take care of business."

John stares at Aiden and he rises into the air. He throws the baseball at John and he stops it, and lets it drop.  While he's still holding Aiden the girls peek through the kitchen door.  John gets up and walks over to him...

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