Chapter Twenty-Four: The Others

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We finally arrive home and as we walk up the lawn Hailey's still trying to comfort me.  I know I stopped what was happening, but innocent people still got hurt... and I feel responsible for it happening in the first place.  The Others were definitely there...  and we didn't even know it until it was too late...

Mom and Rachel rush out onto the front porch.

"We heard what happened on the radio.  Are all of you all right?" Mom asks.

"Yeah we're okay.  Thanks to Max a lot of people were able to walk out of there," Megan answers.

Mom gives us both a hug and notices that for saving someone,  I'm not in a very good mood. 

Rachel does as well and walks over to me, "The Others?"  She asks... and I slowly nod.

About 1:00 a.m...

Everyone has gone home for the night.  Mom has went to bed, and Megan and I are sitting in the swing.  I've remained silent for most of the evening...

"All right Max.  It's just you and me now.  Let's talk."

I look over at her, "What do you want me to say?"

"Well, sitting here blaming yourself for what happened isn't helping.  In fact, it's probably exactly what The Others want, to make us second guess ourselves."

"I know, but if just by me being there caused this..." 

I shake my head, stand up and look toward Hailey's house.  I use my thoughts to check on her and she's asleep so I slowly back away... 

"I love you with all that I am.  What if you got hurt tonight because I hesitated?  What if you were killed?" I turn back to Megan. "What if you were Killed? There's no way I could handle that."

Megan stands quickly and I turn to her.

"Max, stop it. You did all you could."

"I know Sis... I know..." After a moment we sit back down and remain silently for a few minutes.  Then Megan decides to change the subject.

"What did Rachel want to talk to you about today?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Just what I told you earlier."

"I know better than that.  Tell me."

Taking a deep breath, I turn to her, "Alright, I guess you need to know.  She gave me a warning... about the crystal."

Megan looks intrigued, "Go on."

"I know you've noticed how powerful I am when I use it."

"Yeah, it's hard to miss."

"Well, the crystal has kind of a side effect. When I use it... I don't want to stop. The power flowing through me is almost, intoxicating. Rachel believes it slowly draws out the worst in a person. She has a theory that this is what happened to John Blackwell long ago."

Megan considers my words, "If it's dangerous, then take it off."

I shake my head, "Not until we find out who The Others are, and take care of the situation, including John.  You said yourself he desperately wants the crystal,"  I look down at it. "It's not leaving my neck.  I'm not taking a chance of any of them stealing it."

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