Chapter 4: Sempiternal

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Since Raphael gave me a free day and protected me,I thought things are getting better.. I thought he'd stop being mean and stop feeding on me. I was wrong. I was so wrong...

It's all the same. All the days go by the same. I get weaker and weaker, I've lost so much blood. I do everything he wants me to,just to get bitten at the end of the day. What a tragic way to live. To be honest, I'd rather be dead. It would hurt less if he killed me right in place. I can't go through this anymore.

' This is sempiternal. Will we ever see the end?'

Alarm. 5:30. Clean. Cook. Anything.

Of course he was out. 

When he came back,he came to the kitchen to see if I was doing my job right.

He went closer to me. Hands around my waist. Here is goes again.

This can't happen again

He was just about to bite me.

- R-Raphael. Please don't do it.. - I mumbled quietly. 

He looked at me,surprised. This is the first time I protest. 

- It's ' master' for you. Did you just tell me what to do? - he looked at me with an evil smirk.

I just looked down.

He put a finger under my chin,lifted it up and said 

' You're my property. I can do whatever I want to you. You know what will happen otherwise. Right,sweetcheeks? ' Then he caressed my cheek with his finger,still smirking and walked away. 

- I am not your property! - I shouted. - I'm just a human being. I might be locked here with you but I'm not and never will be yours!

He stopped walking and turned around to me.

- Oh,you think so? - he said as he began walking towards me. - You're locked here. There's no way out. You're mine and this will never change. I can kill you if I want to! So stop getting on my nerves. You're lucky I let you live here,you're lucky you're alive. You're so ungrateful,Simon. I'll have to change this.

Then,for real,he left the kitchen. 

What did he mean by ' I'll have to change this'? What is he going to do this time? Haven't I had enough? I shouldn't have spoken...

A/N : The quote I put ' This is sempiternal. Will we ever see the end?' is from the song I linked. 

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