Chapter 13: The Date Pt. 2

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  - Where are we going now? - I asked Raphael.
- Well,we aren't on a dinner date but you still have to eat something. Wanna go to McDonald's?
- I love you so much. - I said,obviously overreacting. - This is the way to my heart. Congratulations.
He laughed and we kept walking.
When we arrived into McDonald's I sat on a table and waited for him to come with the food.
I hate the fact that he never really eats anything. How is he doing it? Isn't he feeling sick?
He came back with the food and I was just eating quietly. He was sitting in front of me and he was watching me. I got used to him always staring at me.
- You're so cute. - he poked my nose.
- Naw,I'm not. - I blushed slightly.
- Did you just say naw?
- No.. No I didn't!
- This makes you even cuter.
- Mr. Don't make me call you by your surname again, can you not make me blush while I'm eating?
- Aww,don't be grumpy. I'm sorry. - he pouted.
- I know you don't eat this kind of stuff or any food really. But give this a try!
- No,Simon. I don't want to.
Of course I didn't listen to him and I got one of the fries and put it in his mouth.
- Do you like it? - I asked,excited.
- It's fine. But I'm sure you'd taste better.
I blushed slightly and kept on eating.
He noticed I got shy and laughed quietly to me.
After I finished we walked away from McDonald's.
- How about you having some rest first because you just ate,then go and play some football? - he asked.
- This sounds great. I like football.

  - You do?

- Oh yeah. It's the only sport I don't suck at.
- We'll see. - he smirked.
After like an hour we arrived to the football field.
- Let's do this! - I shouted.
Of course the first few times I won.
- I told you I'm good at this!
- We just started playing. Don't be so proud! - Raphael said.
I thought I'm doing very well but then he made a goal.
- Who won now? - he teased me.
- I scored 2 and you have just 1 for now!
- Alright. It's not too late for me to win.
I was running after the ball and I was about to kick it but then Raphael got it and kicked it on the opposite way, he run really fast and then he made a goal. Again.
- 2:2! - he said.
- I'm not letting you win!
Well,I thought so.
He scored again.
- Say it, Simon. Say I'm better than you. - he said as he was smiling proudly, walking towards me.
- Nope,I'm not saying it! - I protested like a child.
Then he gently wrapped his hands around my waist.
- Say my name, Simon. - he whispered into my ear.
I shivered.
Then he kissed the skin behind my ear.
I bit my lip slightly.
He looked at me and smiled.
I kissed him and of course,he kissed back. I don't even know why I did it. I just wanted to. It was an innocent and gentle kiss,yet it was filled with emotions.

- You still have to admit I'm better.- he said and he giggled.
- Fine. You won. You're better than me. I lost. What do I need to do now,reward you?
- You already rewarded me. - he smiled. - But you know,if you want to you can do it again..

  - Keep dreaming! - I said. - Let's go home.
- Already?
- Yeah.
- As you say,sweetcheeks.  

A/N: I know this chapter is pretty disappointing and I'm sorry. I was in a hurry when I was writing it but I had to update it today,I didn't want to miss a day again. :/ 

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