Chapter 23: I Missed You

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The guy took me into a dark room,with no windows,isolated from the world. He didn't tie me to a chair or anything,luckily. He started walking towards me,I was walking away from him. Suddenly other vampires arrived out of nowhere,surrounding him.

- What do you want from me? - I asked,realising I hit the wall and I can't run away.

- Simon,we've waited so long to see you. - the guy said.

- How do you know my name? Who are you? Let me go!

He laughed quietly.

- No,you're not going anywhere. We just want to get back what we lost. - then he looked around the other vampires.

- What have you lost? And what has it to do with me? I-I don't even know who you are.. 

- You really don't know why you're here,do you? - he asked.

I nodded,looking down.

- Long time ago,Raphael Santiago betrayed us. We were all one group of vampires,looking for blood,keeping each other's backs. One day he decided he should leave us. That's not a big deal,you think. Well,it wasn't - until he killed one of us. Jackson was our leader,the most powerful one of us. He just killed him and ran away. All we know is he started a new life - with you. We want a revange. We'll kill someone he loves,just like he did. And this ' someone ' is you.

I tried to run away and open the door. It was locked. I tried to kick it but some of the vampires grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to the ground. I tried to get up but there were too many vampires.

I'm powerless..

I can't do anything..

Here it goes.. It's all happenig again...

One of them bit me.

This is the end.

Another one tried to but someone pulled him away.

- Leave him alone! - someone shouted. I would always recognise that voice.. Raphael.. 

- How did you get in here?! The door is closed! -  the guy said.

- Our problems are our problems. Simon has nothing to do with them. Leave him alone and don't make me repeat myself. 

- Oh,and what are you going to do,Raphael? We are equal. You can't fight us. 

- Kill me but let Simon go. - he said.

- NO! - I shouted.

- Simon,your opinion doesn't matter in this situation. I'm doing it for you. Back off.  - Raphael said.

- You're making a mistake,Raphael. Join us again. Let's kill this useless human being. Why did you choose him but not us? 

- Mike,I told you not to make me repeat myself. Kill me and let Simon go. 

- Raphael! - I shouted and wanted to run to him but the vampires were holding me tight. They tied my hands to my back. One of them kicked me in the stomach.

- Enough! - someone said. - No one is dying and you'll let Simon go.

It was a black-haired guy. Magnus was next to him. And a girl.. Oh my god,is this girl... 

Magnus and the other guy started fighting with the vampires. The girl was fighting with the vampires who were holding me. 

Is that..

- Simon! - she shouted as she untied my hands.

- Clary! - I hugged her tight. 

- I've missed you so much,Simon. - she hugged me back.

- I have so much to explain to you.. 

- No,I know everything. Magnus explained everything to me before we came here. But we'll talk later,Simon,this is not the right time. Listen to me. I want you to run away from here. We will find you later.

- But Raphael,you,the boys.. I can't leave you with these vampires.

- We can fight them. Just run. I promise we'll be alright.

- But Clary..

- Get away from here,Simon! - Raphael shouted.

I ran away. I had no idea where I was going,I just ran..

After what seemed like 10 minutes of running,I arrived into some kind of park and sat on a bench.

I feel so useless.. I can't help them.. I can't do anything.. 

Later,somehow,they found me. Everyone was there,including Raphael,happily.

Clary hugged me. I hugged her back.

- Simon! Are you alright? - then she looked at the bite scar of earlier when a vampire bit me. - Does this hurt you? 

- N-no,it's okay.. It doesn't matter,I'm so happy to see you. 

She looked at Raphael.

- Listen,Raphael. The fact that you kidnapped him is enough. Now he got in trouble because of you. What if the vampires killed him? I haven't seen my best friend for months because of you,now I see him - in a life risk. Because of you,again. 

- I'm afraid Clary's right,Raphael. - Magnus said.

- No! - I protested. -  I'm fine. Just as long as Raphael is with me.

- If happy means constantly being in trouble then yes,you're really happy. - the black-haired guy said.

- Alec, don't. - Magnus said. 

- I understand.. - Raphael said. - I never knew this would happen. I won't let anything happen to him ever again.

- Raphael,if something bad ever happens to Simon again you should let him go. He has people who care about him and he will find a place to live.

- You're not taking me away from Raphael! 

- Simon,don't say any-

- No,Clary. My opinion matters right now. This situation is about me. You can't tell me where or with who I should live. You may be powerful but this is my life. And I choose to stay with Raphael. Because I do love him. No matter what happens to me. I'll always be with him. - then I took Raphael's hand in mine.

- I don't deserve you,Simon.. - Raphael said. 

I kissed him gently.

- Everybody makes mistakes. You didn't see that coming. Neither did I. It's okay.

Clary sighed.

- Okay,I trust you,Raphael. Just let me see Simon at least once a week. Stop isolating him in your home. Understand that I was really worried. You're not the only one who loves him.

- I promise. - Raphael said. - I'm really sorry. 

A/N:  I hope you enjoyed. Also,the video I posted is made by me and I'm sharing it here because I have more reads on this fanfic than views I'll ever get in my life. (': 

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