Chapter 7: Here we go again

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My alarm rings. 5:30.

I don't give a fuck.

I won't do anything. He doesn't deserve anything.

6:00. A knock on the door. 

- Simon. - he said. - Opne the door. 

- Go away. - I replied.

- I won't make you do anything,just open the door.

- told you to go away,Raphael!

- Dear Simon,we both know I can just break this door. Just stop acting like a kid and let me in.

- Oh,so I'm a kid? Why do you want to talk to a kid?

- Simon! - Raphael shouted.

I sighed,rolled my eyes  and opened the door. 

- What do you want? - I asked.

- I need to talk to you.

- About?

- You wanted me to explain yesterday,didn't you?

- Well,it's too late now.I don't care. - I said,about to close the door but he held it.

- Stop it,Simon. So you're telling me you don't want to know why you'll never have your old life back?

I sighed again and sat on the bed.

- I'm listening.

- Well,you know.. Yesterday I told you uhm.. that you are special.. so.. The thing is.. - he was stuttering. He has never done this before.

- Raphael,are you going to talk or no? - I said,annoyed.

- Fine. Yes,you are special. I kidnapped you because I want you all for me.

- Oh,I'm so special you decided to make a slave out of me and make me clean your already clean huge house? Also use me for my blood because you know,I'm so special.

- No. Listen to me! I don't even need a slave. I don't care if my house is clean or not. I just wanted you to be around me. I wanted to see your face every morning.

- Are you drunk? - I asked.

- For fuck's sake,Simon! I'm not!

- I don't believe you,Raphael.

- Do I need to prove it to you?

- And how exactly are you going to prove this,Raphael? - I asked,raising my eyebrows.

He bit his lip slightly.

- Stand up. - he said,so I did.

He leaned in to kiss me.

I leaned in for the kiss too.

Our lips were just about to touch but I grabbed his collar and pulled him a bit away from me,looking him straight in his eyes.

-Don't fucking touch me.  - I said. -  You thought I was about to kiss you,didn't you? - I said. - So you think that this is how things work? You hurt me and use me,then you say a few nice words to me and think you can kiss me? Really,Raphael? I thought you're smarter, or you just pretend to be.

He just smirked slightly,moving my hands away from his collar. Then he pushed me to the bed,making me lay down. I got up immediately and was about to stand up,but with his vampire speed he sat on my lap and held my hands down.

- My house,my rules. - he said simply. - Yes, I thought things would be easier with you. Ypu may act like a hero and pretend to be very clever,but you're wrong.

Then he leaned in really close to me.

- You can't run away from me. - he whispered in my ear. Then he looked at me.

- I tried to be nice but you don't seem to appreciate it. I'm sorry,sweetcheeks. You'll learn how to respect your master.

Then he bit my neck,deeper than ever. This caused me to scream.

When will he stop?

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