Chapter 25: Clary

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- You're seeing Clary today,aren't you? - Raphael asked while I was getting dressed.

- Yeah. I'm leaving in half an hour or something.

- You should have breakfast first.

- Raphael,I'm -

- Simon.

- Okay,right. 

We went downstairs and I had breakfast.

- Raphael,are you hungry?

- No,I'm quite well. 

- You always say that and then you end up being on the floor..

- I'm serious this time. I'll tell you if I don't feel alright.

I smiled slightly.

Then Raphael gave me something.

- Here,you can have this back.. I took it long time ago from you. That was really stupid.

It was my phone.

Looking back at what happened someone would get angry but I actually laughed.

- It's okay. You are giving it back to me anyway.

- I've said it and I'll say it again; I don't deserve you. You're so kind and cute.

- Shush. - I kissed his cheek.

Then I realised I don't know where me and Clary are going to meet.

I found her number in my phone and texted her.

' Where are we going to meet? :) x'

A reply was on the way soon.

' At the park. We can go to our place! I'm leaving now,hope you haven't overslept! :) '

I left the phone on the table and went to put my jacket and shoes on. 

- Carry your phone with you. - Raphael said.

- I don't need it.

- But what if something happens? You have to call me.  You know,those vampires kidnapped you out of nowhere. Worse things can happen. 

- But I'm with Clary,Raphael. I'm not out alone.

- Yes,but-

I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. 

- I'll be alright,boo. 

He smiled slightly.

- See you later then. 

Soon enough I arrived to our place. I was really excited.

I saw Clary sitting on the bench. 

- You're late! - she said.

- No,you're just early! - I giggled.

- You haven't changed. - she hugged me.

I sat down next to her.

- So,what are we going to talk about first? There's so much happening. - she said.

- First,explain me what exactly are you? I mean,I saw the way you and your friends fought.. Are you vampires or warlocks like Magnus? 

- No,we are Shadowhunters.

- Oh,yeah,thank you for the explonation. Everything is clear now. I understood everything. 

She laughed.

- Well,basically,we protect the human world from this man called Valentine.. Who is actually my father.. 

- What does he want from the human world?

- He wants to destroy it.

- Like in a typical movie.. There are bad guys and good guys and you are from the good ones.

- Yeah. If that's the way you understand things. - she giggled.

- So,Magnus helps you? 

- Yeah.

- And what about Raphael and the other vampires? How do you know him,actually?

- Well,the vampires.. It's complicated. They don't .. help us in missions,neither they have to. But we're not enemies too. They just live their lives. Sometimes we have to protect humans from them if they go too far and attack innocent people. But sometimes we help eachother. 

- I see..

- And Raphael.. - As you know,he was a part of them,but now he has a new life with you. The only one who he protects and lives for is you. 

I smiled slightly.

- I didn't know you like guys. - she smirked.

- Neither did I.. - I smiled. - But that isn't a problem,right..?

- No,of course not,Simon. I'll always support you and be there for you,no matter what happens. - she smiled.

- Thank you. 

We kept on talking and laughing on that bench for almost 2 hours. It's crazy how fast time flies when you're with your best friend.

- Do you want me to meet you with the others?  - she asked.

- Oh,no,no,no,no,no. Please. They must be so busy. They can't just leave their job to come here and talk to me. Plus that, I don't think they would like me..

- Why not? 

- That guy witht the black hair that was with you yesterday.. I think he doesn't like me at all. I mean,the thing he said to me. And the way Magnus told him to stop. Was he going to punch me or something? He looks so unfriendly.. 

Clary laughed.

- Alec is not  as  rude as he seems! He just has trust issues. He didn't quite like me when I came along. Actually,he didn't like me at all. It's not like we're best friends now,we just get along. He really has a good heart,he just doesn't want to show his emotions. He doesn't want to get hurt. You have no idea how protective he's over his younger sister,Izzy..

- Sister? Is that a family home or something?

She laughed again.

- No! She's a Shadowhunter too. You're so silly!  Well,lucky for you,Alec is the only one who acts like this. Others would like you. If you don't get nevrous like you always do and talk stupid things.

- Well,you know me.. - I smiled.

- I have an idea,Simon! - she said.

- Oh,no...

- Why don't you and Raphael come in the institute for a dinner tonight? There's this kind of ceremony and after it we will all have dinner together. We can bring people who are close to us.

- No,no,no!

- Simon,please!

- Even if we go,what is Raphael going to eat? Vegetables?

She rolled her eyes.

- We're Shadowhunters,not typical human beings.

- Wait,so you eat blood too?!

- Stop saying so stupid things and listen to me! No,we don't eat blood. But we have some in case someone brings a vampire to dinner because believe me,it has happened. Izzy and not only she has done it.

- Well..

- Please! 

- I'll talk to Raphael when I come back home.

A/N: The dinner will be in the next chapter. I'll probably post it tomorrow or on Sunday.

The song has nothing to do with the chapter,I just didn't know what to post so I just posted one of my favourite songs. :)

I try to put humour where possible,I hope it's working (': 

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