Chapter 11: The Club

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- I'm sorry about that.. - I said as I pulled away.

- It's alright. It's not like I didn't enjoy it.

He smiled but I was looking down and he realised I was uncomfortable and didn't actually mean to kiss him.

- Let's change the theme.

- Hmm.. Have you got any hidden talents? - I asked.

- Well,I can speak Spanish. - he said,raising his eyebrows and smiling like he's just done the most amazing thing in the world. - And you?

- I can draw.

- Oh,can you? - he was smiling playfully.

Then he laid on the bench.

- Draw me like on of your French girls.

I laughed at him and then he stood up.

- Let's go to another place,shall we? - I asked.

- Where are we going now?

- I know this nice club.

- Club?! - Raphael said,shocked. - I thought you're too innocent for places like these.

- Well,if Clary was your best friend you'd understand me.

- I'm not going in a club! - he protested.

- Oh,c'mon! What's the problem? Your old vampire ass doesn't know how to dance? - I teased him.

- What? Are you saying I,Raphael Santiago, doesn't know how to dance? We're going into that club immediately.

When we arrived in the club,Raphael went to the DJ and told him something.

Suddenly the song changed and some Spanish song that sounds like it's from the 90s started.

What the fuck?

- Vamonos,Simon. Watch and learn. - he said.

The people were starring at him.

Uh oh.

He asked a random girl to dance with him.

Then they fucking started dancing tangò.

- Raphael,this is not how you dance in a club.. - I tried to stop him but it was unsuccessfully.

When they finished I thought people would laugh at him or think it's strange but the opposite happened - people actually applauded them,or more specifically - him.

- You can kiss my old vampire ass now. - he said and he winked.

- Can we go out of this place already? - I said,annoyed.

- Aww,you wanted us to come here,didn't you? Chill,sweetcheeks.

- Whatever. - I rolled my eyes and I went to the bar and ordered a drink.

- Be careful with this,alright? - Raphael warned me.

- Yes,I will.

( Raphael's POV)

An hour later

I was sitting on one of the chairs on the bars and watched Simon dance. He said he will be careful. Well,he lied. And I'm a bit pissed but whatever.

Suddenly he came to the bar.

- One more drink, please

- No,no more drinks! - I said.

- What? Raphaeeeeel. Let me have one moreee!

- No. No more or we're going home,Simon.

- But.. - he protested.

- No.

We sat in silence for a few minutes but then he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the bar.

- Simon! What are you doing?

He didn't reply. We went to the bathrooms. He pulled me in one of them and pushed me to the door.

- What the hell,Simon? - I asked.

He just brushed his lips against mine. I kissed him back. He kept on kissing me and I swear I wanted too but I knew it was wrong..

I pulled away.

- Stop it,Simon. Let's go home.

- Why? I thought you loved me,Raphael!

He was so drunk.

- I love you,Simon. This is just wrong. You'll regret it.

- No. Why do you think it's wrong? I thought you want me. Why nobody loves me? First Clary rejects me then you. Raphael,please..

Is he doing this just because of Clary?

- My poor baby.. - I said. - Let's go home,sweetcheeks. We'll talk tomorrow about this.

He sighed. I put his hand on my shoulder to help him walk and we walked away from the club. Then we called a taxi.

When we arrived back home I took him in his room. I made him lay on the bed and pulled the blanket over him. I sat next to him and played with his hair until he falls asleep.

Then I kissed his forehead and sighed,watching him.

Is this how things are going to be,Simon? You only love me when you're drunk?

.. I'll keep fighting for you.

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