Ch. 1

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Your Perspective


"You what?" I say, and literally felt my heart crumble into and fall to my shoes. This could not be happening. Not today. He shook his head softly, and tried to pull me into a hug. I immediately rejected it,"I can't believe you, Jace."

"Just hear me out, (N/N)." I shook my head firmly, tears already forming in my eyes. My cheeks were flushed. I needed to leave the premises. Immediately.

"Don't call me that. Don't ever call me that again. God, I'm so stupid not to notice how weird you've been acting. The way you fidget when I try to cuddle with you, the way you grunt when I kiss-kissed you. It's all because you slept with her," I gritted my teeth, and stared daggers into that little bitch's soul. She had the audacity to smirk at me with her four hundred pounds of gloss on her big fat lips. I looked back to Jace, then looked at my feet,"Did you enjoy it?" I ask so quietly, you could have missed it.

"I was drunk." He hissed.

"That's not an excuse!" I snapped,"You knew what you were doing when you shoved your dick inside of her!" By now, the whole lunchroom was silent. Good. They deserved the humiliation. He gripped my arm softly.

"Can we talk about this in privacy?" I snatched my arm back, with a snarl.

"Don't you think you've had enough privacy with her? Don't you think you've seen enough privacy to last you a lifetime?!" I suddenly remembered the necklace he gave me was around my neck. I snatched it off, threw it down and stepped on the small jewel inside of the golden circle. Then, I got dangerously close to his face, almost to make him literally gobble my words up,"Don't call me, don't text me, don't even look at me. Ever again. You disgusting piece of trash." And with that, I snatched up my bag from my seat and stormed out of the silent lunchroom. I was done. I left him, high and dry to go and get wet again with his new skank. She could have him, I didn't care anymore. Jace was my first serious love and probably my last. If I had a quarter every time I've gotten heartbroken, I'd probably be the richest woman alive. But those were all young and dumb relationships. The 'try new things' kind. I really thought we had something special. I guess it's true what they say. All that glitters is not gold.

I tossed on my hood carelessly, strands of (h/c) hair poking out from the top. For the first time in forever, I was actually glad it was raining. Maybe the rain would mix in with my tears and it would feel like it was just storming and I wasn't a sad, pitiful girl crying her eyes out. But, I stayed strong and held in my tears. At this point, I didn't care about the rest of my classes. I just wanted to go home. I dug in my pockets for my keys, and proceeded to trudge to my car.

Only, it wasnt completely on the ground.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head, as I witnessed the front of my car being lifted off of the concrete by a giant hook. I screeched, and quickly banged on the glass of the person inside the tow truck. He rolled down the window, and rolled his eyes for that matter.

"Sorry, it's already being towed." He said simply, about to roll his window up.

"But, that's not fair! I was right there!" I explained. He shook his head.

"Look lady, either you pay me five hundred dollars on the dot right now or your truck is goin' with me." The audacity! I made a frustrated noise.

"But, I don't have five hundred dollars! Come on, man! It's raining!" The rain started to come down heavier. If it got any stronger, Id be carried away by it.

"Not my problem, now is it, Cupcake?" He rolled up his window completely, and drove off with my car. I screeched in anger and stomped in the rain towards my house. I really wanted to cry now. I was soaking wet, and shivering like a mad man. I made myself sick. Maybe, Jace cheated on me because I became disgusting to him. Maybe I was too ugly. Maybe I was too clingy.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a splash at my feet. I stared down in horror, and saw my previously white flats covered in mud and gunk. This was pitiful. I didn't care anymore. I sniffed, and let the tears flow from my eyes. Yes, my vision became blurry, but it was like my whole life was a blur right now. At least the school was out of sight. I was in my neighborhood. I just needed to find my...key!

I swore out loud, suddenly remembering that I hooked my house key onto the necklace Jace gave me. God, am I an idiot. I stared down into a mud puddle, and watched my reflection jiggle and shake into a mess of curves and waves in the dirty street water. I looked like a wreck. My hair was plastered and stuck to my forehead and jacket, my eyes were puffy and red, and my cheeks were flushed. I looked horrible and sick. Maybe I was. I just wanted to crawl into a deep hole and never come out.

Just when I was thinking about how to bury myself alive, I heard a loud bang a few metres ahead of me. What the hell?


Hehe, hi there. Hope you like the beginning :). Yes, you did have a boyfriend :( who turned out to be a total jerk. If you didn't understand the beginning I'll sum it up for you. Jace(your ex boyfriend) cheated on you with another girl that you hate. He slept with her and you found out. Of course he made up that lame excuse, "I was drunk." But you were a boss ass bitch and you stood up for yourself! You go girl! :) that's all for todayXD

Love you all,

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