Ch. 18

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Your Perspective


  "Raven! No!"  That was the last thing I heard, before I was encased in darkness. It was just like my dream. Lonely, unsettling. Empty. I was pretty sure I was awake this time. I turned every which way to find an exit, but I failed. Time for plan B.

   "Hello?" I spoke aloud. Cool, this thing has an echo,"Anyone here?" I jumped, and quickly turned to my left, hearing whispers,"Is this a joke?"

   "Leave." Someone whispered. Leave? As in, exit leave? Well, thats what I've been trying to do since I got here. I figured it wouldn't hurt anyone to look around. I started down am empty path. Weird that this place has a flooring, but I can't see it. I just so happened to look down and notice my skin turn blue, "Leave this town." I flinched, trying to locate where the sounds were coming from,"Leave him alone? Do you hear me? I warned you," it whispered,"I warned you."

That sounds like..."Raven? Raven did you do this?" The ground rumbled, causing me to fall on my behind.

  "Didn't I warn you?" Her voice cracked,"I will banish you! Do you understand? You don't know who you're messing with."

  "Is.. Is this about Beast boy again?" The ground shook once more, and a large crack opened in the ground. I had to use my upper body strength to not fall in.

  "He's mine!" She screamed,"You're trying to take him from me, aren't you? Admit it!"

  "I–I'm not trying to steal him! I just...I like him." I muttered. There was a beat of silence before the ground erupted again, cracks and large holes formed in the flooring, blowing up and caving in. The Earth tipped sideways and backwards and forwards. I could barely keep my balance. I screamed for help.

  "Burn in Hell.." she cackled,"Bitch!" The floor gave in beneath me and i crashed, hanging on to a ledge of the floor, that was still crumbling. Beneath me, fire, lava and ash exploded and shot up from each of the holes in the ground.

  "Somebody help me!" I screamed, trying to use my feet to propell myself upward. It only made me slip more. Molten rock splashed beneath me and burned the soles of my shoes, even knocking one off and burning the side of my neck. My pants were ruined and streaked with ash.

    Someone's hand shot out from one of the walls of darkness and pulled me up and out. He or she said something, but I was far from hearing. Abruptly, I was in the arms of Beast Boy, him clutching me tightly with tears streaming down his emerald green cheeks. For a second, I thought I was dead, and he was in Heaven with me.  But Heaven didn't have an angry Raven in it. My hearing slowly returned, as the cries of him filled my ears.

"It's okay," he sniffed,"I got you, it's ok." I shook my head slightly and turned over to Robin, who was holding Raven back with all his might and gazing at me pitifully. Starfire had tears literally rolling into her mouth and down her cheeks one by one. It hurt to see her so upset.

Beast Boy sat me up and kissed my cheek softly, trying not to hurt me. Raven was still spilling incoherent words at me like acid, not caring whether there were children here at the park or not. Her magic had subsided and everything was back to normal, except for my wounds.

  "I will destroy you, you hear me?! He's mine! Mine!" Robin threw her to the ground and scolded her for everything she has done. I couldn't quite hear though, because Beast Boy and Cyborg were examining me.

"She's got a huge gash on her throat, right where her vocals are. I hope she didn't damage anything. That part is very sensitive, BB." He told him. Beast Boy stared at me, and brushed the tears from my blood written cheeks.

  "(Y/n)? Are you okay? Speak to me." And I did just that. But, not exactly. I could open my mouth to speak..

But no sounds came out.


Well shit.

Uh.. well..

Um yeah.. and thats how uh..

Yeah.. eh.. The End? 

Far from. Aha. Yeah, you're mute. Wait..

OMERGURD YOURE MUTE?! WHAT ARE WE GUNNA DO?? Find out in the next chappy. (This one was so short T^T)



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