Ch. 3

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Your Perspective


"Nuh–uh." I say, stuffing my mouth with eggs. My mom crossed her arms and stared at me warningly. Yes, she found me asleep the next day on the couch, mouth smeared with mint icecream,"I'm not going." Apparently, she thought she was winning the argument about me going to school. She wasn't. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and I planned to change into my PJs and lounge around the house all day.

"Well, you're going to have to face him sooner or later." Did I mention that I had a breakdown infront of her and told her all about Jace? She didn't react the way I wanted her to, but she was pretty mad,"I'll just check you out early." My mom's definition of early is two minutes before we actually leave school. I scoffed, turning back to my half finished plate.

I knew ways to avoid Jace. He had first, fourth, sixth, and eighth period with me. All I had to do is get there on time and sit in a different seat away from him. But, I didn't know how to avoid that bratty skank he fucked. She had classes with me, and I was pretty sure she was going to try to rub it in my face that they hit it off,"Why can't I just stay here?" I whined,"I'll even let Bridge stay with me. " I acknowledge my sister's presence, as she crammed her face with waffles.

"No no no. You and Bridge have perfect attendance. You are going to school." I groaned and slouched in my seat.

"You like to torture me." I grumble, picking with my plate now.

"School isn't so bad (Y/n). I even get to take the class' pet, Mr. Whiskers home today and keep him for a whole week!" Great, now I'm going to have to watch and make sure Bridge doesn't try to accidentally burn, drown, suffocate, or mentally scar a pet rabbit. I sighed, suddenly remembering that my car had been towed.

"Hey Ma, can you drive Bridge and I to school?" I call to her, noticing that she had left the kitchen and maneuvered her way to the stairs. She turned around and gave me a suspicious look.

    "Why?" She asked. I shrugged. Yeah, so maybe I didn't tell her about my car being towed. She was about to find out now anyway.

    "My car maybe could've gotten towed yesterday and I forgot to tell you about it?" I smile sheepishly.

    "(Y/n)!" She shrieked,"Do you know how much it would cost to get your car back now?"

   "It's okay mom! I'll get a job and work off the money, I promise!" I shake my hands in surrender,"Can you just drive us to school till I do?" She sighed, nodding and I grinned,"Thanks mom! Love you."

   "Love you too. Now, where on Earth are you going to get a job?" She propped her hands up, like she doesn't believe that I'll actually find one at this time of year. I took a short sip of my OJ.

   "I'll get an application for that pie shop uptown." I shrugged,"Working a cash register can't be that hard, right?"

   "Will you get to bring home free pies?" Bridge gave a big toothy grin. I smile a little and whisper in her ear.

    "If I make friends with the manager, I might be able to sneak you a few slices." I ruffled her hair and watched her smile eagerly, tossing her plate in the sink. I hopped down from the island myself and trotted up the stairs to take a shower. So what if I was going to be late? I didn't want to go anyway. I sighed stripping from my clothes and tying my towel around my body. I checked my phone to see if any of my friends from my last school had texted me. Unfortunately, none of them did, but I had recieved a billion text messages from Jace. Apologetic text messages.

  I'm so sorry, (N/N). Please take my back

   I didn't want to, she came onto me

Please, (Y/n) I cant sleep knowing you hate me

  Im so sorryy :(

Please... :,(

  That was only a few that I had seen. I slammed my phone down on the table and walked into the bathroom to shower. I couldn't deal with him. Not this early in the morning. Like I said before, he knew what he was doing. And I'll be damned if I take him back. He can live in his little fantasy world with her. Im done with him and I'm pretty sure he knows it. I don't like nor trust anyone at that school now. I didn't even want to enroll in that school. It seemed bad from the start. Sure, it had its class and good looks, but under all that hid dirty lies, secrets and scandals that had never been spoken by mouth. I wished sometimes that I never moved from my old city. That I wasn't the Loneliest Girl In Jump City. At least, that's what most girls at my school call me. I guess now that it's actually true.

  I felt my fingers getting pruny from the water and I turned the shower off. I wrapped the towel around my chest amd woddled over to my bed to get dressed. My phone behan to ring, and I immediately knew who it was. What harm could answering do?

  "What?" I say stonily, positioning the phone between my head and shoulder. 

   "Oh God, finally," he sighed,"You answered."

     "Yes. I did. Now what do you want?" My voice was turning icier the more he spoke and the more I responded. Hearing him left a nasty taste on my tongue.

    "Im so sorry, baby. I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say it until you believe me."

    "Well its going to take more than a couple of crappy sad text messages to make me forgive you."

    "Im really sorry, (Y/n)" he sighed. I waited, contemplating hanging up and listening to his lies,"I missed you baby."


   "I can't sleep until I know we're okay.." he groaned. I shook my head as if he could see me.

   "Well then, you're going to be one tired son of a bitch aren't you?" And with that, I hung up the phone.


  *hiccups* you were feeling salty huh? I was basically laughing all through this. I can barely see, my eyes are so watery XD hope you enjoyed this chappy!


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