Ch. 4

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Your Perspective


"Have a good day, sweetheart!" Mom pulled up in the drop-off and unlocked the door for me. I gave her a simple wave, and shut the door, tossing on my backpack. This breezy Wednesday morning was unusally loud. Instead of a few kids chatting amongst themselves in different spots of the school yard, a jumble of kids in different places buzzed with excitement. Girl and boy squeals erupted from the large crowds every maybe two minutes. What was up with everybody today? I went up to one of the street lights beside the school campus and noticed a new flyer that had been staples onto it.

'Attention all Jump City high school students, we are eagerly awaiting the presence of the girl that's saved one of our member's life just yesterday evening. If you know or are a person with (h/c) coloured hair and (e/c) eyes, please report to the Jump City highschool gymnasium at exactly eleven o' clock sharp today. Thanks in advance!


Somehow, the thought of Beast boy looking for me made me smile. But still, I didn't want my face broadcasted all over the news. I really didn't. But I did want to get to know the guy that I had rescued. I decided to at least attend the assembly for fun, but I would not turn myself in. I'd let them find me, I guess. I grabbed myself a couple of colas from the vending machine, pushing one in my backpack and opening the other.

Step one: ignore Jace.

Step two: go to the assembly

Step three: ignore Jace again.

Good plan, yes? I smiled at my little inside joke, and walked into the school sipping my cola. The inside was wilder than the outside. Not only did the crowds get bigger on the inside, they got rowdier too. A spotted two girls about to fight down one hallway. I shook my head and maneuvered around the packed corridor towards my locker. I jiggled the lock so it wouldn't get stuck while I put my passcode in, and opened it. A note fluttered out and tumbled gracefully to the floor. I bent down to pick it up, and opened it.

'I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I really do love you (Y/n). You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Look on your second shelf behind your French textbook.

Forever yours,

Why so many notes today? I pushed passed my French notebook and discovered a bouquet of roses. I frowned. I didn't need this cliché shit. Of course, the bouquet had a note on it, but I decided not to read it and stuffed the group of flowers on my top shelf. He's going to have to try harder. I grabbed my binder and slammed my locker with a sigh and turned to go to my first period class. Unfortunately, life had other plans. I ran smack into a chest, and tumbled to the floor, the contents of my binder sliding across the marble floor.

"I'm so sorry," a male voice apologized, stretching out his green glove covered hand out to me,"I didn't see you there."

"It's fine." I took his hand, and he pulled me up sith no problem. I glanced back at my mess on the floor, and frowned.

"Oh! Let me help you...with that." He set his bundle of papers ontop of my locker and proceeded to muster mine into his arms. I helped him, grabbing my nearly empty binder and shoving my things inside.

"Thanks, uh..." I hesitated, not recognizing his face. He smiled brightly.

"Robin. My name's Robin." He grinned, getting his stack of papers from off the top of the lockers. I smiled.

"Nice to meet you Ro-" before I could get all of my sentence out, a girl's shriek erupted from behind us. I turned around quickly and noticed she was staring our way. He made a tiny squeak, and I looked at him with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk,"Lady's man, huh?"

His cheeks flushed red,"Uh, no. Not at all." He chuckled and my smile widened just a bit. The girl shrieked again.

"Oh em gee! It's him it's really him!" She squealed,"Robin! Sign my forehead please!" Another ran up and bounced in her position.

"Marry me, Robin!"

"No, he's going to marry me!"

"He wouldn't want to be with a whore like you!" The two began to argue, and soon, hands were thrown. My eyes widened.

"You might want to run." I chuckled, turning back.

"Noted." He winked and took off.

"Hide in the janitor's closet!" I shouted after him and laughed as he quickly turned a corner. The late bell for first period rang, and I groaned,"Damnit, I lost track of time." I started to run myself. I turned the corner quickly, trying to push my way through the thick crowd without getting punched, which was extremely difficult since a bunch of fights had spawned out of nowhere. Fists were thrown, hair was pulled, arms were scratched. I nearly took a blow to the jaw. If it wasn't for my quick reflex skills, I would have a severely, probably broken, cheek. I flinched at that. A broken cheek does not sound good.

I slid, more like tripped, into Mrs. Storm's classroom, and all eyes were on me. I shut the door quietly and stood there like Elsa. Frozen. My eyes shifted from the class' to Mrs. Storm's angry ones. I bit my bottom lip rougly, letting me metallic taste flood into my mouth. My cheeks flushed red, and I felt like dying.

Mrs. Storm cleared her throat, "(Y/n). You're late because why?"

I shifted my feet,"I-I had an enounte-I ran into...a person. In the hallway." I looked down at my feet, then back into her eyes, she was piercing right into my soul, it was creepy.

"I'll write you a pink slip after class and you will take it to the office. Have a seat." My eyes scanned for an unoccupied desk away from Jace. Sadly, all of them were filled except the one infront him. And sitting beside that desk was the girl he had sex with. My brows furrowed angrily. I shouldn't care anymore, but the thought of their naked bodies between the sheets always rowdied me up. I sigh, snatching my backpack from my arm and took a seat in the chair. As soon as I sat down, the girl, who I hated I must say, made a fart noise with her hands and laughed.

"Ew! (Y/n) farted! No wonder Jace didn't want to eat that gross shit!" She snickered. A few other kids found this funny, but I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah sure, very cute of you." I scoffed.

She smirked,"I know I'm cute sweetie. You, on the other hand, need to buttscoot your way back to the zoo where you came from. Oh, and by the way, the real cute thing was how Jace grunted every time he pulled my legs open, begging for more." I growled under my breath, snapping my pencil in half,"Ooh, Harambe's mad!" She started making gorilla noises.

"Bella, that's enough." Jace huffed behind me.

"What? I'm just having fun, baby ." She grinned at him, blowing a kiss his way. He rolled his eyes and leaned close to me. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Are you okay?" He whispered. I nodded.

"Perfectly fine." That was the biggest lie I've ever told.


Well, now you know the bitch's name thats been picking with you and who stole your boyfriend (SHE 2K-ED THAT DUDE XD) im sorry im supposed to be on your side lol. Hope u liked this chapter!

Bye my lovlies,

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