Ch. 7

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Your Perspective


When I punched him, my world started to move in slow motion. My brain as well. After my fist collided with his face, my brain shut down completely, leaving me frozen and my eyes wide with shock. He staggered back, just as surprised as I was and clenched his left cheek. I must've hit him pretty good, because his jawline was bruising already. Then I thought in my head,

Does this count as self defense? I mean, he did come on to me. But the question is, did I want him to?

I dropped my scratched, mildly bloody fist, and took off. I didn't dare look back. I couldn't face the pain I was going to see in his eyes. Yes, I broke up with him. Yes, I said we were finished but did I really mean it? I mean, he did cheat on me but everybody makes mistakes right? My heart and mind were having a battle with eachother. Like, there was a billion reasons why I should love him and a billion reasons why I shouldn't. I needed to get them to agree. I needed sleep. For my and my sanity's sake.

"Mom?" I say after the fifth ring. She finally picks up, but there's a lot of shuffling in the background. I wait for her to speak.

"What is it, sweetheart?" She questions. Im picking at the scratched I made on my knuckles, sniffling into the phone. She must've guessed something happened, because I heard the shuffling stop,"I'll be there in fifteen." She sighs. I nod as if she could see it, I shut off my phone and slid down against the side of the school with my head in my knees. My brain hurt, my hand hurt, my heart hurt. I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't have a bestfriend, or any friend for that matter, so I had no shoulder to cry on. You know, if I was crying. Which I wasn't.

   I remembered the call from when I was with Robin, and I pulled my phone from my pocket. I turned it back on and stared down at the unknown number. Who the hell could this be? I called the number back, just to answer my question. A deep voice immediately picked up the phone.

  "Hello?" There was a bit of shuffling on the other line. The person must've been busy too.

   "Uh, hi. You called my phone. Who are you?" The line went silent. Did I say something wrong? I didn't know what to say,"Hello?"

"(Y/n)..." Wait, how does he know my name? Did I redial a stalker? Oh my goodness–"I'm (f/n) (l/n).  I'm your dad." It my turn to go silent. After a few minutes he spoke,"Hel–" I ended the call and shoved my phone in my pocket. As far as I was concerned, I didn't have a dad. Wasn't born with one and I'll die without one.

  I saw my mom's familiar car pull around to the drop-off, and I hopped in the passenger seat without a word. It was then fifteen minutes into the drive when she decided to speak up.

   "Are you okay?" She quizzed.

   "I'm fine.." There's another lie to add to my list. I leaned my head agains the window and thought over aboht the whole incident,"It was a simple argument between Jace and I." Okay, that was the half truth. I couldn't tell her about what really happened or she'd go crazy on him and me.

    "Okay. You can stay home tomorrow if you want. I forced you this time but you seem like you need space. " I nodded my head.

    "Actually, can you help me with my hair and stuff tomorrow? I kind of have an interview." She grinned.

    "An interview? That's wondeful, sweetheart. Of course I'll help you." She pulled into the driveway and parked the car,"I could even fit you into that dress you never wear?"

   "The ugly green turtleneck one? No thanks."

   "Oh come on..." she nudged my shoulder. I shook my head and smiled.

  "No way, that thing is a repellent for jobs." I laughed at the small frown she gave and exited the car.

  "Okay fine, you choose. But as your mother I am doing your hair. That thing is a repellent for jobs." I shook my head again and opened the car. Immediately, I was tackled by Bridge. She wrapped her tiny arms around my waist and squeezed.

   "Feel better, sissy!" She cooed, letting go. I ruffled her hair and thanked her,"Want to see Mr. Whiskers? He's eating right now but, I think he'll still let you pet him." She led me towards the dining area and there on the table stood a large cage. Inside, was a drinking spout and a small bowl with tiny cut up pieces of vegetables in it. The bunny inside was white with several chunks of brown and black fur on his body. He was adorable, I have to say.

"Look, he's getting fat. Theres a big lump on his tummy." She held the side of the cage, "I'm going to have to get a wheel for him to run on."

"Bridge," I set my hand on her small head, "Those are for hamsters only." She made an "oh" with her lips. I laughed. She made my day much better.


ERRRRGH! I am SO sorry for not updating! I had writer's block for a while, teehee. And this chapter is also short :( im so very sorry. But YASSS YOU PUNCHED HIM! >:) VICTORY SCREECH!


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